
Ag Gambling


The unprecedented pervasiveness of gambling in American culture and its consequences demand a critique from a Christian perspective. To determine whether participation in gambling is appropriate, Spirit-filled followers of Jesus must recognize the problematic nature of gambling, understand relevant principles derived from Holy Scripture, and apply those principles prayerfully and with sensitivity to the potential impact that gambling has on the individual and others in the individual’s circle of influence.

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The Nature of Gambling

The basic dictionary definition of gambling is “to play a game for money or property; to bet on an uncertain outcome.”1 A more precise, legal description may help Christians understand gambling and differentiate it from legitimate transactions in which creative efforts, useful skills, and responsible investment (positive expected returns, at least in the long term, as well as inherent value independent of the marginal risk being taken) are integral factors:

A person engages in gambling if he stakes or risks something of value upon the outcome of a contest of chance or a future contingent event not under his control or influence.... Gambling does not include bona fide business transactions valid under the law of contracts, such as the purchase or sale at a future date of securities or commodities, contracts of indemnity or guaranty and life, health or accident insurance.2

Gambling, then, is recognized as any activity in which wealth changes hands, mainly on the basis of chance and with risk to the gambler.

Gambling involves a wide variety of activities, both illegal (and thus prohibited by state and/or federal law) and legal (and thus usually highly regulated by state and/or federal law). Legalized gambling is often euphemistically referred to as “gaming” in the United States, and includes many types of games in which even some Christians may sometimes find themselves participating recreationally. These include, generally, three categories: fixed-odds (or “pari-mutuel”) betting, including horse and greyhound racing and other sporting events; casino gaming, both table and electronic (e.g., slot machines, video poker); and noncasino gaming, such as bingo, dead pools, lotteries, scratch cards, carnival games, card games, confidence games (e.g., the shell game) and dice-based games. Activities (such as raffles and sometimes, bingo) that are designed primarily to support a charitable cause, and only secondarily to generate a possible return on a purchase, are not usually considered to be “gambling,” though certain of these may be a matter of personal conscience.

The Problem of Gambling

The prevalence of gambling has increased as a result of its accelerated legalization3, enhanced media exposure through mega-lotteries, expanded accessibility through online gaming and state-sanctioned lotteries, perceived acceptability of “gaming” as healthy social activity and recreational entertainment, and professed claims of economic benefit through job creation. Nonetheless, gambling’s troublesome consequences, both individual and societal, remain.

For many persons gambling results in psychological addiction4 that mirrors other forms of addiction, such as alcohol and drug dependence, in terms of symptoms5 and variation in brain chemistry.6 Gambling’s threat to public health is understood in terms of its susceptibility to organized criminal influence and control, as well as its detrimental impact on society in terms of marital dissolutions7, impoverished families, bankruptcies, suicides8 and costs of associated social services, such as treating addictions and responding to increased crime.

In the social sciences, the term “gambling disorders” incorporates both “problem gambling” and “pathological gambling,”9 the latter being the more severe and subject to clinical diagnosis. Researchers spanning three decades estimate that from slightly less than 1 percent up to 1.9 percent of the U. S. general population suffers from pathological gambling.10 In a meta-analysis of 120 previous studies, researchers at the Center for Addictions at Harvard Medical School found that approximately 1.1 percent of the adult general population were past-year level three [pathological] gamblers and an additional 2.8 percent were classified as level 2 [problematic] gamblers who were having some problems as a result of their gambling but did not meet diagnostic criteria as pathological.11 This research suggests that almost 4 percent of the adult population in the United States suffers from some form of gambling disorder. Of the pathological gamblers, approximately 75 percent have an alcohol use disorder and 38 percent also have a drug use disorder.12 Sadly, more recent research conducted by the Research Institute on Addictions at the University of Buffalo indicates that 6.5 percent of young people (ages 14–21) are at-risk and problem gamblers (mostly male), a rate much higher than the general adult population.13

Those who think they may escape the problems by avoiding some types of gambling while participating in seemingly more innocuous forms should consider the conclusion of university researchers funded by the gambling industry itself: “Research does not substantiate the belief that some games—such as online poker or slot machines—are riskier than others. People can get into trouble with all types of gambling, from sports betting to the lottery, from bingo to casino games.”14 This should serve as a warning even to many good and relatively psychologically healthy people, including Christians, who “have been ‘softened’ toward frequent gambling by the permissive attitudes of family or friends, and by favorable portrayals of betting in popular culture. They start gambling for entertainment, or to be sociable.... From that point, the conditioning process takes over, forging a connection in the brain between winning and feeling good.”15

While all levels of society may be adversely affected by gambling, repeated studies have shown that the poor are particularly susceptible to the inducements of the industry, and are deliberately targeted.16 State-sponsored lotteries likewise generate much of their revenue from the less affluent who are often desperate for a solution to their financial ills and more easily drawn in by lottery advertising.17 That those at or near the poverty level spend a greater percentage of their income on various gambling venues is well documented. One recent study by a major university institute found that problem gambling was twice as common in “disadvantaged” neighborhoods as the more affluent. Moreover, the poorest in these disadvantaged neighborhoods were the ones at greatest risk for gambling problems.18

Given these problematic effects of gambling upon individuals, governmental reliance upon state-sanctioned gambling to fund its legitimate activities such as education is deplorable. Furthermore, marketing and promotion of state-sanctioned gambling—which amounts to a tax (though voluntary) upon those in society who can least afford to pay the monetary and social penalties accompanying such gambling—is especially egregious.

The Bible and Gambling

Most religious authorities generally have disapproved of gambling because of the widely recognized social consequences associated with it. However, since the Bible contains no explicit statements condemning gambling19 , it is often categorized among the adiaphora, “matters of indifference” in religion since they are not expressly forbidden by the Scriptures. However, the Bible certainly provides principles that should govern the Christian’s thinking about gambling.

1. Gambling is inadvisable because it disregards responsible stewardship.

The Bible clearly teaches that all things belong to God. “The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it” (Psalm 24:1). Since all things belong to God, people are placed in the position of stewards who must give a proper accounting for everything given to them in trust.

The first step in a faithful administration of this stewardship is the giving of self to God. Believers must recognize they are not their own (1 Corinthians 6:19). They have been redeemed with a price, not of silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Jesus (1 Peter 1:18–19). The churches of Macedonia set a worthy example of personal dedication when “they gave themselves first of all to the Lord” (2 Corinthians 8:5). Life, with all it involves, is a stewardship to be administered for the glory of God.

People who honestly dedicate themselves to God will also recognize that all they possess must be handled as a stewardship. The Parable of the Bags of Gold [Talents] (Matthew 25:14–30) indicates that the good and faithful servants administered the talents entrusted to them in such a way that the master was pleased. The wicked and lazy servant failed in his stewardship responsibility and suffered the appropriate consequences.

When people recognize their stewardship responsibilities, they will not consider gambling in any form to be proper management of divinely bestowed resources, time, and ability. Even secular business ethics will not tolerate those who gamble with resources put in their trust. Christian responsibility transcends all other responsibility and, for the Christian, gambling is a total disregard of the principle of stewardship. It is a prostitution of God-given assets which should be used to glorify God by providing for family needs and advancing His kingdom.

2. Gambling is imprudent because it involves a chance of gain only at the expense and suffering of others, often the poor.

The nature of gambling is such that a person has a chance of gain only because others have suffered loss. The economic benefits come only to a very few. The financial loss is borne by many who usually least can afford it. Whether or not the financial loss is excessive, gamblers are basically the losers while the operators of gambling establishments are the winners.

19 In the Old Testament era casting lots was used to determine God’s will in some cases (Ex. 28:30; Josh. 18:6–10; 1 Sam. 14:41–42; Jonah 1:7). One New Testament occurrence is found in Acts 1:26. But these biblical practices in no way meet the definition of gambling.

The suffering caused by gambling is totally inconsistent with the teaching of Scripture concerning love. Not only is the Christian to love those who are lovable, but even enemies (Matthew 5:44). God’s people are to love their neighbors as themselves (Matthew 22:39; cf. Leviticus 19:18). Love places limits on the Christian’s choices: “No one should seek their own good, but the good of others” (1 Corinthians 10:24). Christians are under a love-obligation to choose not to engage in behaviors that they know could cause harm to others or cause other Christians to emulate their risky behavior and thus stumble and fall (Romans 14:13–15, 19–21; 1 Corinthians 8:9–13; 10:32).

The principle of love will prevent Christians from gambling because of the damage it does to others. The principle of love will cause Christians to oppose any effort by the state or any other organization to legalize any activity based on a weakness of people that degrades society. William Temple, late Archbishop of Canterbury, stated the Christian position well when he wrote:

Gambling challenges that view of life which the Christian church exists to uphold and extend. Its glorification of mere chance is a denial of the divine order of nature. To risk money haphazardly is to disregard the insistence of the Church in every age of living faith that possessions are a trust, and that men must account to God for their use. The persistent appeal to covetousness is fundamentally opposed to the unselfishness which was taught by Jesus Christ and by the New Testament as a whole. The attempt (inseparable from gambling) to make profit out of the inevitable loss and possible suffering of others is the antithesis of that love of one’s neighbor on which our Lord insisted.20

3. Gambling is inconsistent with the work ethic of Scripture.

Throughout Scripture the importance of work is emphasized. In several places, the correlation between working and eating is stated. The Old Testament reminds us that generally, “Those who work their land will have abundant food” (Proverbs 12:11). In the New Testament, the same principle is stated with great forcefulness. To the Thessalonians Paul wrote: “When we were with you, we gave you this rule: ‘The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat’” (2 Thessalonians 3:10).

In the wisdom of God work was assigned in the Garden of Eden even before the Fall (Genesis 2:15ff; cf.1:28). Though sin resulted in a change of the nature of work (Genesis 3:17, 19), the responsibility of working was never rescinded. Any effort to circumvent the work ethic of Scripture can result only in failure rather than flourishing.21 Gambling, whether to secure wealth in a hurry or to place bread on the table, is inconsistent with what the Bible teaches about work.

4. Gambling is contrary to biblical warnings against greed or avarice.

Not only does the Bible require that one should work for the necessities of life, but much biblical wisdom also warns against the “something for nothing” or “get rich quick” approach that is fueled by greed: “One eager to get rich will not go unpunished” (Proverbs 28:20). On the other hand, Proverbs 13:11 encourages patient work and steady investment: “Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow.”

Jesus warned against the seducing evil of greed: “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions” (Luke 12:15). Likewise, Paul admonished Christians to avoid avarice. “But among you there must not be even a hint... of greed, because [this is] improper for God’s holy people” (Ephesians 5:3; cf. Romans 1:29). In fact, Paul repeatedly associated greed with idolatry (1 Corinthians 6:10; Ephesians 5:5; Colossians 3:5) that disqualifies one from participation in the kingdom of Christ. Inasmuch as greed motivates gambling, it certainly is a seductive evil that must be avoided by followers of Jesus.

5. Gambling is inconsistent with a healthy recognition of God’s providence.

Proverbs 16:33 clearly affirms the sovereignty of God over what people suppose are chance events. God’s people are not to covet riches or worry about material needs but are to trust in God’s sovereignty—not luck or chance. The Sovereign LORD rebuked and promised retribution on those disobedient ones among the Covenant People who forsook the LORD by committing virtual idolatry with “Fortune” and “Destiny” (Isaiah 65:11–15), the pagan gods of good fortune and fate in the ancient Babylonian world comparable to “Lady Luck” in the contemporary world.

Jesus’ warning against greed (Luke 12:15) is placed in the immediate context of His teaching on trusting in God the Father’s faithfulness and providential provision (12:22– 34). Jesus admonished His disciples to neither worry nor set their hearts on their life’s sustenance, food, or clothing, “For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.... For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (12:30–31, 34).

Because gambling reflects people’s faith in Chance rather than Providence, and trust in Luck rather than the Lord, it ought to be avoided by those who are seeking the Father’s kingdom.

6. Gambling is unwise because it tends to be enslaving.

Gambling, like other evils, has a tendency to become an addiction, which is a condition that is contrary to the teaching of Scripture. The Word of God points out that a Christian will refuse to be enslaved to (or mastered by) even lawful, permissible activities (1 Corinthians 6:12). The person indwelled by the Holy Spirit will be characterized by self-control (Galatians 5:23).

It is obvious that habitual gamblers are under the control of the compulsion to gamble. Rather than being servants of God, they are servants of a desire they cannot handle. Paul described the condition clearly when he wrote, “Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey?” (Romans 6:16).

7. Gambling is a compromise of Christian ethics and witness.

A great deal of gambling, particularly casino gambling, takes place in lavish facilities offered relatively inexpensively to attract maximum participation, and featuring entertainment that is often tempting in its sensuality and indulgence. Attendance and participation in such an environment poses serious challenges for Christian witness and conduct.

The Christian and Gambling

As Jesus’ followers consider the appropriateness of their involvement in various gambling activities, the following questions may help to focus many of the current issues and biblical principles set forth in this paper.

  1. Is this good stewardship of the resources that God has entrusted to me?
  2. Does it hurt anyone by taking money from others; by taking advantage of others’ weaknesses; by causing others, following my example, to stumble; or by contributing to an immoral system?
  3. Am I doing honest work regularly to meet my needs?
  4. Am I motivated by greed and covetousness, which is idolatry?
  5. Do I trust in God as my source, or do I trust Lady Luck?
  6. Is this something that could become an addiction? Does it occupy my thoughts? Is it becoming a compulsion?
  7. How does it impact my spiritual walk with the Lord?

With appropriate humility and holiness before the Sovereign LORD, sincere Christians acknowledge that other like-minded believers may feel greater freedom in regard to so-called adiaphora (debatable matters), especially when exercising self-control in occasional, budgeted entertainment. Nevertheless, Christians are called upon to recognize the weightiness of decision-making in regards to participation in gambling activities. There may be lurking danger in one’s unforeseen predisposition to addiction. There may be an unintended example that leads others within one’s sphere of influence into risky behavior. On the one hand, one’s witness to the world may fall short with respect to avoiding avarice. On the other hand, one’s example may also fail to inspire a responsible work ethic and conscientious biblical stewardship.


  1. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gamble, accessed March 9, 2013.
  2. http://definitions.uslegal.com/g/gambling/,accessed March 9, 2013.
  3. Especially since passage of the federal Indian Gaming Regulatory Act of 1988.
  4. This is illustrated classically in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s The Gambler, 1867. Originally published in Russian, it is available in many English translations and in online, free editions. See also Howard J. Shaffer, “Understanding the Means and Objects of Addiction: Technology, the Internet, and Gambling.” Journal of Gambling Studies 12:4 (1996): 461–469.
  5. This includes increasing tolerance (e.g., needs to gamble more money to achieve the desired excitement); symptoms of withdrawal if gambling is stopped or reduced; and an inability to stop or reduce gambling.
  6. John Mangels, “Gambling Addicts Arise from Mix of Flawed Thinking, Brain Chemistry and Habitual Behavior,” The Plain Dealer, May 15, 2011. http://blog.cleveland.com/metro/2011/05/gambling_addicts_arise_from_mi.html accessed March 12, 2013.
  7. “It is estimated that one problem gambler affects at least seven other people—spouses, children, extended family members, and friends. Problem gambling can hurt not only one’s finances, but one’s physical and mental health, as well as relationships.” AAMFT Therapy Topics, American Association for Marital and Family Therapy. http://www.aamft.org/imis15/Content/Consumer_Updates/Problem_Gambling.aspx accessed March 12, 2013.
  8. Alex Blaszczynski and E. Farrell, “A Case Series of 44 Completed Gambling Related Suicides.” Journal of Gambling Studies, 14 (1998): 93–110.
  9. The diagnosis of “pathological gambling” was added to the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in 1980.
  10. Christine Reilly, “The Prevalence of Gambling Disorders in the United States: Three Decades of Evidence” in Increasing the Odds, Vol. 3, Gambling and the Public Health, Part 1, 2009. http://www.ncrg.org/sites/default/files/uploads/docs/monographs/ncrg_monograph_vol3.pdf accessed March 9, 2013.
  11. Ibid., 4. Reilly cites a 1997 study by Shaffer, Hall & Vander Bilt. Research supported by a grant from the National Center for Responsible Gaming.
  12. Ibid., 5. Reilly cites a 2005 study by Petry, Stinson & Grant, University of Connecticut Health Center and National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2005.
  13. John W. Welte, Grace M. Barnes, Marie-Cecile O. Tidwell & Joseph H. Hoffman, “The Prevalence of Problem Gambling Among U.S. Adolescents and Young Adults: Results from a National Survey.” Journal of Gambling Studies 24:2 (2008): 119-133.
  14. National Center for Responsible Gaming, Fact Sheet on Gambling Disorders, http://www.collegegambling.org/just-facts/gambling-disorders accessed March 9, 2013.
  15. John Mangels, “Gambling Addicts Arise from Mix of Flawed Thinking, Brain Chemistry and Habitual Behavior,” The Plain Dealer, May 15, 2011. http://blog.cleveland.com/metro/2011/05/gambling_addicts_arise_from_mi.html accessed March 12, 2013.
  16. http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/06/21/gaming-the-poor accessed November 25, 2014.
  17. http://www.npr.org/2014/07/16/332015825/lotteries-take-in-billions-often-attract-the-poor, accessed November 26, 2014.
  18. http://www.buffalo.edu/news/releases/2014/01/001.html, accessed November 25, 2014.
  19. In Old Testament times, lots were cast to determine in some cases the will of God (Exodus 28:30; Joshua 18: 6–10; 1 Samuel 14: 41–42; Jonah 1: 7). There is a case in the New Testament in Acts 1:26. But these biblical practices in no way fit the definition of gambling.
  20. William Temple, Gambling and Ethics. London: The Churches’ Committee on Gambling, 1948.
  21. For a thoughtful expression of a biblical work ethic, see Charlie Self, Flourishing Churches and Communities: A Pentecostal Primer on Faith, Work, and Economics for Spirit-Empowered Discipleship (Grand Rapids: Christian‘s Library Press, 2013).

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It’s hard to find an all in one gambling site. One that offers sports betting, casino, poker and bingo games. More and more we’re seeing operators specialize in one or two areas.

Those that exist are often average at best. They may offer a strong sports or casino product, but then fail in other areas, such as poker or bingo.

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to not only find an all in one gambling site, but one that offers an average to above average experience in each of their products.

But we think we found one – Sportsbetting.ag.

Each product delivers. Though, if we’re being honest, they’re not perfect. Each of their three products can be improved in some way.

But you can sign up specifically to play any one of them and be happy. Few all in one gambling sites can make the same claim.

However, they don’t have the best background. Our review will tell you about it. But we think that slate’s been wiped clean …and they’ve done a good job of keeping it that way.

So, if you’re looking for an all in one gambling site – and one that accepts players from all 50 states – we encourage you to read this review to the end.

Gambling Overview

Sportsbetting.ag offers a sportsbook, casino and poker room. They also have a financial betting section, as well as a few skill games (located in their casino). The one thing you won’t find is bingo.

The following sections take a deeper look into what each section offers, including what bets you can make, games you can play, and promotions you can participate in.

One thing we recommend is paying attention to their promotion terms. We mention some of them below, but you’ll also want to read them on their site. We’ve noticed many that state you cannot cash out winnings, for example, within 30 days of making your deposit.

Our guess is they do this to protect themselves from people hitting them for bonuses and running. But the point is you’ll want to watch out for terms like these to avoid any problems with your account or cashing out.

With that in mind, let’s jump into our reviews. We’ll start with their sportsbook.

Sports Betting at Sportsbetting.ag

.ag Gambling Sites

Sportsbetting.ag breaks their markets up into two sections – Main Sports and Other Sports. Here are the markets listed under both.

Main Sports

This includes:

  • Baseball – Includes Japan baseball.
  • Basketball – Includes WNBA basketball.
  • Football – Includes CFL, NCAA and NFL.
  • Tennis
  • Hockey
  • Soccer

Other Sports

This includes:

  • Auto racing
  • Boxing
  • Cricket
  • Darts
  • Golf
  • Lacrosse
  • Martial arts
  • Rugby
  • Snooker
  • Softball
  • Futures and props

We think Sportsbetting must change this list because we’re not seeing common markets such as the NHL or NCAA basketball. Both are staples at other bookmakers.

In fact, we’re confident that’s the case since it’s not quite NHL season yet. The 2016 season starts October 12th, and that’s about a month out from now. And they DO have NHL and NCAA futures.

(We point this out so you don’t dismiss Sportsbetting.ag merely because they don’t appear to cover the sports you’re interested in. You may have to dig OR contact their support to be sure.)

Other futures and props you can bet on include: formula 1, entertainment, golf, MLB props, NBA team wins and futures, NCAA basketball futures, NHL futures and the 2016 presidential election.

Sportsbetting.ag offers live betting, too. When we checked it out they had tons of baseball, a few World Cup hockey matches and soccer. You can either bet on matches individually or you can use their multi-event tab to bet on multiple events simultaneously.

The minimum bet across the board is $1. Their max limit varies. $500 is common, but we saw limits such as $5,000 for baseball totals, $10,000 for money line and $1,000 for team totals. You can bet $15,000 on various NFL bets and $25,000 on the Super Bowl spread. It just depends. You can see all their betting limits on their website.

They have a racebook too, where you can bet on races held at tracks such as Mohawk Raceway, Mountaineer Park, Northfield Park and Yonkers Raceway.

Bets can be placed from your computer, tablet or phone. Their site is compatible with the iPhone, iPad and Android devices.

Our Overall Opinion

Sportsbetting.ag offers an okay selection of markets, though it is heavily weighted towards North American sports and events. Between that and their betting limits, recreational bettors will be happiest here. But experts say that even pros can find profitable action.

Sportsbook Promotions

You’ll find several offers at Sportsbetting.ag between their deposit bonuses, free bets and cash back. Here are their core offers:

Ag Gambling

75% Welcome Bonus – Sportsbetting.ag will give you a 75% match on your first deposit up to a max of $1,000. This is a free play bet with a 12x rollover. It cannot be used in any other area than the sportsbook (including the live sportsbook and racebook).

50% Kickoff Reload Bonus – They’re offering a 50% match reload bonus. This is good up to $1,000. This has a 10x rollover and cannot be used anywhere other than the sportsbook.

$25 Free Live Bet – Make your first live bet. If your first bet loses, Sportsbetting.ag will reimburse you up to $25. There’s a 6x rollover.

NHL Reduced Juice – They’re offering 10-cent NHL lines.

$50 Free Mobile Bet – This is similar to their live bet. Make your first mobile sports bet. If you lose your bet, you’ll receive a reimbursement up to $50. This has a 6x rollover.

MLB Dime Lines – They’re offering dime lines up to -194 – the entire MLB season, all the way through to the end of the World Series.

$25 Free Horse Bet – Make your first bet in their racebook. If your bet loses, Sportsbetting.ag will reimburse your loss up to $25. This is a free play bonus, and has a 6x rollover.

7% Horse Rebate – Make bets online and receive a 7% rebate. Make it over the phone and receive a 4% rebate. There’s no cap or minimum volume of bets you need to make.

Overall, this is a solid selection of sports betting offers. And they’re adding new offers, often coinciding with the start of a new sports season. So we recommend checking their site often or getting on their newsletter.

Join Sportsbetting.ag and Get a Free $1000 Bonus!

Casino Games

Sportsbetting.ag gets their software from BetSoft.

This means you get access to an instant play casino with more than 140 traditional casino games and variations.

Here’s what you can play:


  • 6 deck blackjack
  • Multiplayer blackjack
  • American blackjack
  • Single deck blackjack
  • Pontoon
  • European blackjack
  • Super 7 blackjack
  • Spanish blackjack
  • Pirate 21
  • Blackjack switch
  • Double exposure
  • Single hand blackjack
  • 21 burn blackjack

The min and max limits vary, but it looks like the max across the board is $250 per hand.

Craps and Roulette

  • American roulette
  • Roulette
  • European roulette
  • Craps
  • Roulette single zero

Table Poker

  • Poker3 heads up
  • Caribbean poker
  • Ridem poker
  • Baccarat
  • Draw high low
  • Let it ride poker
  • Oasis poker
  • Caribbean stud poker
  • Red dog
  • Three card poker
  • Pai gow poker
  • Three card rummy

They also offer a small selection of live dealer games. Though, from what we’ve seen and heard, these could look and function better.

Specialty Games

  • Keno
  • Instant 40-ball keno
  • Instant 80-ball keno
  • Scratcherz
  • Video keno
  • Video bingo
  • Klub keno

3D Slots

  • Aztec Treasures
  • The Slot Father
  • The Curious Machine
  • Gladiator
  • Mega Gems
  • 2 Million BC
  • Arrival
  • Black Gold
  • Boomanji
  • Exterminator
  • A Night in Paris
  • Curious Machine Plus
  • Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
  • Enchanted
  • Fruit Zen
  • Gold Diggers
  • Greedy Goblins
  • Gypsy Rose
  • House of Fun
  • It Came from Venus Plus
  • It Came from Venus
  • Glam Life
  • Heist
  • Lost
  • Mad Scientist
  • Madder Scientist
  • Mamma Mia
  • Ned and His Friends
  • Once Upon a Time
  • Paco and the Popping Peppers
  • Slots Angels
  • Sugar Pop
  • The True Sheriff
  • Mr. Vegas
  • Rockstar
  • Three Wishes
  • Treasure Room
  • True Illusions
  • Tycoons
  • Under the Sea
  • Viking Age
  • Virtual Racebook 3D
  • Whospunit Plus
  • Under the Bed
  • Whospunit

These are easily our favorite machines. These are 3D slots that look and play like video games. Our favorite titles include Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde (be sure to play until he changes into Hyde), Madder Scientist and Rockstar. But all of them are loads of fun.

Video Slots

  • 7th Heaven
  • Monkey Money
  • Jackpot Jamba
  • The Bees
  • Reel Outlaws
  • Pharaoh King
  • Out of This World
  • Wizards Castle
  • Invaders
  • The Ghouls
  • Five-reel Fruit Fortune
  • Five-reel Bounty Hunter

3-Reel Slots

  • Lucky 7
  • Triple Crown
  • Captain Cash
  • Diamond Dreams
  • Diamond Jackpot
  • Serpents Treasure
  • Victory Lane
  • Knights Conquest
  • Retro Sci-Fi
  • Mermaid’s Pearl
  • Pirates Revenge
  • Ghouls Gold
  • Chase the Cheese
  • Back in Time
  • Aztec Treasure
  • Royal Reels

They certainly do not have the biggest selection of slots. You can find more by going to any casino who offers a combination of Real Time Gaming and BetSoft software – such as Bovada or Ignition.

However, this selection will satisfy 90% of slots players. Only the most hardcore online slots enthusiasts will want a larger selection.

Video Poker

They have several video poker variations. You’ll find standard video poker games, then multi-hand or multi-line variations of each of those.

Here’s what you’ll find at Sportsbetting.ag:

  • Five draw poker

Pyramid Poker

  • Jacks or Better
  • Deuces Wild
  • Aces and Faces
  • Bonus Poker
  • Bonus Deluxe
  • Joker Poker
  • Double Bonus
  • Double Jackpot

Multi-Hand Poker

  • Jacks or Better
  • Deuces Wild
  • All American
  • Bonus Poker
  • Bonus Deluxe
  • Double Jackpot
  • Joker Poker
  • Double Bonus

Other Options

  • Jacks or Better – 25 line
  • Deuces Wild – 25 line
  • Jokers Wild – 25 line
  • Deuces Wild
  • Joker Poker
  • Jacks or Better
  • Bonus Poker
  • Double Bonus
  • Aces & Eights
  • Jacks or Better
  • Jokers Wild
  • Double Bonus
  • All American
  • Deuces Wild

Overall Opinion

It’s hard to go wrong with BetSoft’s games. They look great. They’re fun to play. Just watching them is fun (both you can do on BetSoft’s website).

We like how Sportsbetting.ag doesn’t force you to download their software, too. This probably has a lot to do with BetSoft since their games are built with HTML5.

This means most, if not all of their games are mobile responsive, too. This means they should work on computer monitors of all sizes, as well as on mobile devices from Apple, Android, BlackBerry and even Windows. You can see (and play) all their mobile “ToGo” games here.

Our biggest complaint is they don’t have the overall volume some casinos have. But that’s hardly something to complain about given the diverse selection of unique and entertaining games and variations they have.

We think casino players will be happy with Sportsbetting.ag’s casino.

Casino Promotions

Sportsbetting.ag has plenty of bonuses and offers for casino players. Here’s some info about their core promotions.

Slots Match Bonus – Receive a 100% match bonus on every deposit of $100 or more. The max bonus is $1,000. There’s a 50x rollover, which is pretty high for slots. You can use this multiple times – but only one at a time.

$25 Live Dealer Free Play – Make your first bet in their live dealer casino. If you lose, Sportsbetting.ag will reimburse you up to a max of $25.

25% Re-Up Bonus – You’ll receive a reload match bonus every time you make a deposit to the casino. This has a 50x rollover. You cannot use this bonus for: blackjack, roulette, craps, baccarat and mobile casino games. Any action on baccarat, roulette and craps will not count towards the rollover.

10% Rebates – If you play and lose more than $100 in a week, you’ll be eligible for a 10% rebate. This will be based on your losses. For example, if you lose $200 you’ll receive a $20 rebate. The maximum rebate you can receive is $1,000. There’s a 50x rollover and doesn’t include: blackjack, baccarat, craps, roulette, live and mobile casino games. You also need to complete the rollover for one rebate before you can get another.

High Stakes Bonus – All players who spend more than $75,000 in the casino qualify for their high roller bonus. The bonus ranges from $50 to $1,000, depending on how much you spend (between $75,000 and $1,000,000).

This is a nice selection of offers. However, a 50x rollover for slots is relatively high. It’d be nice to see Sportsbetting.ag offer some promotions to table game players, too.


Sportsbetting.ag’s poker section is probably their weakest product of their 3 core products. But only because of their traffic levels.

They’re on the Chico Poker Network (along with BetOnline). They’re 3rd in US traffic and 12th overall. Last we checked they had 2500+ players online with 700+ cash game players and 1,100+ tournament players. The rest are free money and/or freeroll players.

Their main poker games are holdem and omaha. For cash games, limits go up to 5/10 for holdem, though most action will be found at 1/2 and below. Omaha’s stakes peak at 2/4, though action anywhere here’s sparse.

Players report flop percentages often exceeding 25-30%. This means loose, action-oriented -and often soft- cash games. Even if you only have the basics down, like only playing strong hands, you can clean up here.

Sportsbetting.ag is pretty big into tournaments, too. We base this on all their tournament themed offers, leaderboards and overall MTT schedule.

For example:

  • $20k MTT Leaderboard – Play MTT’s and earn points based on how you do. You’ll earn as much as $250 to $1,000 based on how many points you earn and your average buy-in.
  • $5k Weekly SNG Challenge – Play SNGs and earn points based on how well you do. You’ll earn up to $1,000 depending on your average buy-in and where you finish. There are 60 winners every week.
  • $100,000 GTD – Every weekend they run tournaments with a total prize pool worth at least $100,000. You can buy-in directly for less than $40 or 4,400 points. But they have them starting at $2. The last Sunday of every month they run a $50,000 GTD with a $90 buy-in.
  • Hit & Run Freerolls – They run freerolls with real money prizes every day. These have prize pools up to $100.
  • $20k Cash Race Challenge – Play in the Cash Race Challenge to win a piece of the $20,000 prize pool.

A few tournaments that offer value include the $1,000 guarantees with a $1 buy-in. This runs daily. They also have a $1,000 GTD for $3 and a $500 GTD for $0.50. Reports suggest overlays happen often, which makes these tournaments even more valuable.

We’ve also heard their software was upgraded in July 2016. It used to be old and clunky, but now it looks modern, works well and includes the basic features you’ll find at most online poker sites.

The software’s available by download only. There’s one for both PC and Mac. Unfortunately, there’s no mobile app. But since they’ve upgraded their software, we’re optimistic a poker app is near the top of their to-do list.

Overall Opinion

Even though we think their poker product is the weakest, it’s still strong overall. 3rd in traffic still means you’ll have little problem finding a game running. And there’s still plenty of value to be had, even if all you signed up for is their $1/$1,000 guarantee tournaments.

Upgrading their software is a huge plus, too, though we’d like to see a mobile app.

Poker Promotions

Most of Sportsbetting.ag’s poker promotions are their tournaments and leaderboards we covered in the last section. But here are the other two core promotions they have running right now.

100% Bonus – Get a 100% match bonus on deposits of $50 to $2,500. The bonus is released to you in $5 increments for every 1,500 comp points you earn. You’ll have 60 days to earn your bonus.

POP Points – For every .10 you pay in (contributed) rake at cash game or in tournament fees, you’ll receive 1 POP Point. You can use POP Points to enter freerolls or other real money tournaments.

They also have a ‘4 of a kind’ offer where you’ll earn $50 if you make quads (with a pocket pair) in a cash game at limits of .10/.25 or higher.

Other Betting Options

Sportsbetting.ag has a couple other gambling options. These are far less popular than the first 3 mentioned above.

Skill Games

You can play:

  • Dominoes
  • Yahtzee
  • Gin rummy
  • Tonk
  • Spade

You can play skill games – like their casino and poker games – for both free and real money.


You can bet on what appears to be binary options. You’ll have the option to bet on currencies, indices (bund future, dow jones, MDAX, NASDAQ) and commodities (copper, crude, gold, silver).

Betting options or types include touch, range, turbo and one touch. These are common options for a binary options site.

We’re not overly impressed with this section, between the lack of promotions and betting options. It’s almost as if they’re not trying hard, which may be the case since we don’t see them advertise this section at all. However, if you’re interested in learning about binary options, or like to make the occasional financials bet, this will probably be enough for you.

Banking Options

You can use the following options to fund your account (min/max limits):

  • Visa – $25/ $5,000
  • Bitcoin – $20 / $25,000
  • Ethereum – $20 / $25,000
  • Litecoin – $20 / $25,000
  • MasterCard – $25/ $5,000
  • American Express – $25 / $2,500
  • Person to Person – $100 / $600
  • Skrill – $10 / No Max
  • Check – $1500 / $15,000
  • Bank Wire – $1000 / No Max
  • Money Order – $300 / $9000

You can use these options to cash out your winnings (with min/max/fees/time frame):

  • Person to Person – $50 / $400 / $26 to $51 / 5 business days
  • Bank Wire – $500 / $24,900 / N/A / 15 business days
  • Check by Mail – $500 / $2500 / $25 / 30 business days
  • Check by Courier – $500 / $2500 / $35 / 15 business days
  • Check Express – $500 / $2500 / $50 / 7 business days
  • Bitcoin – $20 / $10,000 / N/A / 24 hours
  • Skrill – $25 / $9990 / $20 / 36 hours
  • Ethereum – $20 / $10,000 / N/A / 24 hours
  • Litecoin – $20 / $10,000 / N/A / 24 hours

Fees for bitcoin transactions are ridiculous. Most sites – especially bitcoin-exclusive sites – don’t charge you ANY fees to use bitcoin.

That said, if the tradeoff is having bitcoin as an option, it’s worth it. It’s fast, worry free and legal …for now.

Some of the other fees – like $20 for Skrill or $75 for a bank wire – are a bit much, too. Especially since you’ll likely be hit with additional fees from Skrill or your bank (an additional 1-5% or $25-$50).

But it’s hard to complain about fees when players are being paid. And we haven’t heard of any current reports or seen any complaints to the contrary.

If you have any questions or issues while making your deposit / withdrawal, you can contact their customer support team using one of the following options:

  • Email – [email protected]
  • Live chat
  • Phone: 1-888-843-9027

Any Problems or Complaints?

Sportsbetting.ag used to have problems paying their customers. However, that was before BetOnline acquired Sportsbetting.ag back in 2012 and paid all their ($1.5+ million in) debts.

Other than that, the biggest problems or past issues don’t come from Sportsbetting.ag, but their parent company, BetOnline.

Here are the things BetOnline has done in the past:

  • Lied about what network they’re on.
  • Lied about accepting US players.
  • Made it known they have access to players’ passwords and login details.

We’ve also seen reports about BetOnline confiscating player funds, to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars for various reasons.

Overall, BetOnline doesn’t have the best history. You’ll find plenty of scam accusations or complaints with a little Google searching. You can also read our BetOnline review.

However, BetOnline has put in the work to make improvements in their customer service and payment processing departments. And it appears this has bled over to Sportsbetting.ag.

Whether or not you believe that is up to you. Or, whether you’ll make Sportsbetting.ag pay for BetOnline’s mistakes is also your choice.


Sportsbetting.ag is a strong, all-in-one gambling site. While each of their main products – their sportsbook, casino and poker room – have room for improvement, you can sign up now as is and be plenty happy.

Aga Gambling

And we’ll repeat what we said in our intro – that’s not something you can say about most all-in-one gambling sites today, let alone offshore sites who accept US customers – from all 50 states.

For those reasons we recommend you join Sportsbetting.ag today.

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This review was made by: LegitGamblingSites.com Rating: 4 out of 5