
Magician Ah Gan & Poker Face Bro Instagram


Coolmath Games is a brain-training site, for everyone, where logic & thinking & math meets fun & games. These games have no violence, no empty action, just a lot of challenges that will make you forget you're getting a mental workout!

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  3. Magician Ah Gan & Poker Face Bro Instagram Hack

Run Run Shaw: Blade Runner. Run Run Shaw was born in Shanghai, China on October 4, 1907. He went into the filming industry with his brother, Runme Shaw, and established the Shaw Organization in 1926 and the Shaw Studios (formerly South Seas Film studio) in 1930. In 1967, Shaw established the famous Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB) station in Hong Kong, and it grew into a. While magician Ah Gan demonstrated a series of tricks on video, his rather humorless friend repeatedly revealed the secrets behind said tricks in complete silence, without a flicker of emotion crossing his pokerface. Example Sentences (Patois) Fiyah bun all ah di corrupt politicians (English) I denounce all of the corrupt politicians “Small up yuhself„ English Translation: Make room Definition This expression is used when one wants to pass another but the space is inadequate. This chorus is regularly heard in minibuses and taxis.

A Night At The Museum Storybook Glen.

Continuing a tradition stretching back nine years, Aberdeen Voice presents Suzanne Kelly’s annual Christmas-time satire covering the vibrant and dynamic goings-on in The Deen, the shire and the wider world.

Angus was running late for his new job.

Courtesy of Universal Credit, the acclaimed petrochemical engineer was ‘retraining’ as a security guard.

He was at a wooden bus stop waiting for his bus to Story Book Glen. Nearby hung a poster – ‘Fatima’s Next Job Could Be in Cyber, Only She Doesn’t Know It Yet’ read the kindly, helpful advert, featuring a ballet dancer who obviously should give up her dancing to become a government computer spy.

If Angus got lucky, he too might be retrained in cyber. But first, he had to prove himself to Universal Credit to get that £80 a week payment. His bus arrived after an hour or so, and off he went.

It was getting dark as he got off the No. C-19 bus on the outskirts of The Deen; the city lights were coming on, showing how vibrant and dynamic the city looked. From afar.

Wandering through the Maryculter streets he arrived at his work placement. ‘WELCOME TO STORYBOOK GLEN – no dogs allowed’ read the sign at the entrance, where a man sat waiting for him. There was a papier mache castle wall with an archway; it was as pretty and as well built as any of the Barratt Homes he’d been walking past.

The little old man, smelling a bit like Buckfast Angus thought, thrust a flashlight and some keys into his hands.

“Hullo! Ye must be thon work experience loon, Aye? Weel, welcome tae Storybook Glen,” he said, gesticulating around him as the sun continued to sink.

“Ere’s yer keys.”

The wizened old man led Angus to a little wooden hut; in it were a wooden chair by a solitary window, a tiny fridge, and a heater. Before they went in, Angus looked around and in the distance he could see the figures of several nursery rhyme characters as the sun continued sinking, like the feeling in his stomach.

“Did ye tak yer passport like we tellt ye tae?” the man asked; he seemed a little tipsy.

“Sure, have it here.” Angus replied, assuming it was needed for tax or ID purposes.

“Good, good – keep it on ye fer noo. Noo ye micht get some tresspassers; some n’eer do wells were through the ither year, paintin punk rock slogans on oor statues – caused a fair stooshie,” the man warned.

“Aa ye hae tae dae is tak a walkie roon’ noo an again, an hit onyhin ye see o’er the heid wi yer flashy, ken? And bide oot o’ trouble!”

‘What trouble could I possibly get into around here?,’ wondered Angus ‘this will be a boring but easy way to earn ma minimum hourly wage so I can pay my council tax off soon.’

The man thrust a paper bag with a bottle in it into Angus’ hand.

“Noo, fae time tae time ye micht hear some funny stuff gan on, aye, and see even funnier stuff” said the old man.

“Tak a scoof ‘o this an’ athin will be fine. There’s some o’ ma homemade mushroom pate in tha fridge along with half a bottle o’ Fred Wilkinson’s Tullos Hill Red – help yersel. Ahm awa noo; see ye in the mornin’ – if ye’re still aboot.”

And laughing to himself, the little old man hobbled away through the fake castle entrance away from Storybook Glen and out of sight.

An owl hooted. Angus looked in the bag at a bottle that read ‘Tactical Nuclear Penguin.’ ‘Ah fine; this job will be a breeze’ he thought, and with that he set himself down in the chair in the tiny guard’s booth. He helped himself to the amazingly delicious homemade wine and pate, had a swig of Penguin, and started to doze off.

* * * *

Angus woke with a start some hours later; the owl hooted. He shivered and got up to turn on the space heater. As he turned to go back to his chair, his eyes glanced at the window and he froze.

Looking back in on him were a pair of giant reptilian eyes. He dared not move.

“Hullo! Hullo! Dinna be feart; Ah’m nae gan tae hurt naebody.”

Angus blinked, but when he looked again, the thing was still there, and was trying to open the door to the guard hut.

It had a round face. It looked like – but no it couldn’t be –

“Onywye. Fit Like? Ah’m Barney” the thing said. It stood in the threshold now; a giant lizard that looked like –

“You’re Barney. Barney the -the-“ Angus stammered lost for words

“Dinosaur, aye, it’s often been said” said the beast with a chuckle an swish of its tail.

Grabbing Angus by the arm (Angus had just enough time to grab his flashlight and bottle) Barney took Angus out of the hut. An eerie green glow illuminated Storybook Glen now, and Angus could see Barney was wearing a chain of office.

“You’re a talking dinosaur. You’re Barney the dinosaur. And – you’re purple – how is this possible?”

“Why am I purple? Well, when ye start oot as Labour, but form a coalition with the Tories, the red and the blue get a bittie mixed up, and ye get purple.”

(Angus had actually meant how had a Barney the Dinosaur statue started walking and talking).

“Weel ma loon, let ma lead ye doon the Storybook Glen gerden path and Ah’ll tell you aa ye need tae ken, and introduce ye to the rest o’ us.”

“Rest of you?” Angus repeated weakly as Barney led him away from the hut.

* * * *

“Ye’re here on an affa special nicht” Barney said, elated.

“Ye ken, Storybook Glen Cooncil has won nae jist ane, but twa awards! The hale o the Glen is celebratin’ the nicht!”

Angus was being led down the garden path. Soon they came to a 6’ high wooden soldier which stood at tollhouse.

“HALT! Who goes there?” Demanded the soldier; it had very red cheeks and a mop of blonde hair.

“Passports out! Non-Storybook Glen characters this way – take off your shoes, belt, coat, take any computers out of bags, only one flagon of mead per person do you have any cigarettes to declare –”

“Ah Boris, it’s me – Barney,” the purple dinosaur laughed at the guard.

“We surely dinna hae tae go through aa that, div we? This is ma new pal Angus, oor new security guard.”

“Well OK then,” said Boris.

“I’m a tough negotiator.”

And Barney and Angus were waived past the checkpoint.

Beep!’ ‘Beep!’

“Bleeping ~&!!&! bleep!”

Barney and Angus were approaching what looked like 4 tiny yellow cars driving around in a circle. Elves driving them were waving their fists, honking their horns and shouting at the other drivers.

“It’s a one wye system ya bamstick!”

“Ah’m only gan one way ya gluepot!” shouted another elf

An older elf was in her yellow car sobbing;

“Ah jist wanted tae dae ma shoppin’; I canna go a bike or walk, ken? Aa thon one wye signs hiv me gan roon in circles fer oors! Ah jis want tae ging hame!”

And sure enough, the little path they were on was covered with one-way signs, do not enter signs, and a sign which read ‘Storybook Glen Fun Beach next left. No left turn’. Dotted around were wooden bus stops and 136 wooden benches.

Barney puffed out his Devonian-era chest and said:

“Storybook Glen may yet win anither award for this An’ aa. Ah’m richt prood. Ess is how we fecht the dreaded plague here in the Glen. We canna hae fowk jis drivin intae toon an’ parkin’ cars tae ging intae shops; it’s nae safe. Abody should be on bikes. An’ it’s only cost £1.76 million pieces o’ gold tae get it sortit oot.”

Angus took a swig.

“Do you ride a bicycle then?” asked Angus, feeling sure Barney could not manage such a feat – knowing there were many others who could not either.

“Oh aye, yer yer a funny guy, eh?” Barney replied nodding his head,

“Me on a bike? Are ye wise min? Ah’ve got ma ain Barneymobile wi’ a chauffeur.”

Barney pointed to a large marquee in the distance; it was lit up, as were its customers apparently; the shouting and carrying on could be heard faintly on the air.

“At’s far we’re heidin,” said Barney, dragging an unwilling Angus along,

“Jist one mair stop tae mak.”

Heading down the path, Angus could make out in the green glowing light which filled the glen one brick house, a wooden house, and a big pile of straw.

“That’s …. surely not?” Angus stammered, seeing three little pigs; two were patting a sobbing pig on the back. Angus took another swig.

“Aye, yer richt enough. Come an’ meet some o’ ma constituents, The Three Little Pigs.” Barney replied, anticipating Angus’ question.

Wordlessly Barney and Angus now stood in front of the pigs. The sobbing pig looked up at Angus

“Stewart Milne Home, eh?” Angus commiserated and the pigs nodded.

“Come on an’ hae a drink lads, it’ll gee ye up a bittie” Barney said to the pigs, who immediately perked up.

And soon Angus, Barney and the three little perky pigs were heading to the giant marquee.

Angus could barely hear Barney, who was telling story after story, as a terrible din rose from the marquee, which Angus soon realised was a big beer tent. A huge roar went up; Angus peered inside.

The place was filled with storybook characters brought to life; swigging flagons of ale, Jaegerbombs, and Buckfast. There were banshees screeching; elves dancing on tables, screaming, laughing and hugging. Above hung a sign saying ‘Welcome to the Seven Dwarves Incorporated Trades of Storybook Glen Annual beer tent – An Inspired idea’

Dwarves mixed with trolls and witches; in a corner sat Little Jack Horner, eating a Christmas pie. Angus swore he’d never drink again as he took another swig of the Tactical Nuclear Penguin.

Beer flowed, shouts were heard, everyone hugged one another. Barney took Angus by the shoulder and they entered the crowded tent. A witch at a table stopped them at the entrance.

“Good evening. Do you have reservations?”

‘Quite a few’ thought Angus.

“No” answered Barney.

“Good – I hate all that red tape.” Answered the witch.

“Are you in a bubble?” she demanded.

“Course Ah am, Ah’m wi’ the Cooncil.”

Barney and the witch both laughed.

“Right then, have a great time, social distance or wear a mask if you feel like it, and hug the nearest strangers if there is a goal scored in the football match on the telly.

“We canna stop ye daein ‘at can we, ken?” She said, forgetting herself and lapsing into her default Doric.

Passing it off as humour to hide her embarrassment, she continued in her adopted, more ‘professional’ tone:

“We close at the stroke of midnight, except if we don’t. The big award ceremony celebration starts at 11”

“Come an’ meet some o’ ma fella cooncillors.” Barney said.

“Sit doon an’ A’ll get the drinks in – nah, dinna sit there –“ Barney said, grabbing Angus away from a tall bald man and plonking him in a chair next to a man in a suit.

Angus was introduced to him as being Wee Willie Wilkie.

Angus took another swig of his Penguin. And with that Barney started to make his way through the throng to the bar, using his tail to sweep the crowd out of his way. Angus was left at the table. ‘I am definitely asking for a pay rise’ he thought, taking another sip of Penguin.

“An then –” cackled the bald man,

“then when Ah wez on me holidays, Ah got them te gissies another suspension!”

He leaned forward on the table, and the others laughed and nodded approvingly.

“An then…” he continued, hushing the approving chuckles of agreement.

“Then Ah got them te postpone the hearing fre a furtha month. Another month on the payroll!”

He nodded confidently and the others smiled and cheered.

“What’s all that about?” asked Angus to no one in particular as the bald speaker polished off flagon after flagon of wine.

Wee Willie answered him.

“That’s Donnelly Wonnelly Puddin and Pies. He assaults the unwilling and always denies.

“He gets away with lots of things – like taking sex offenders fer drinks in shady bars in STorrybook toon, and taking cash fer upgradin passengers tae first class on Thomas the Tank engine trips an keeping their gold.

“Nothing touches him, he doesn’t even get his wrist slapped, and if he does get into trouble, the judges say ‘it’s just a one off’ or ‘it didn’t seem like an assault to me’, and away he goes on holidays. Unlike poor me.”

Angus felt revolted and was glad Barney stopped him from sitting next to Donnelly. Donnelly Wonnelly continued:

“Aye man, but get this,” he threw back his head howling with laughter,

“then at the hearing the convener sez the assault wez ‘a one off!!’”

The whole table – except Angus – erupted in laughter and they clinked their glasses and toasted Donnely Wonnelly.

Wiping a tear of laughter from his eye, Donnelly addressed Wee Willie,

“Ahm sorry aald mate, Ah divvent mean te celebrate me victories when Ah knaa yee hev yer problems. or should Ah syah ‘Wall te Wall’ problems!”

Everyone at the table laughed again – except Wee Willie and Angus. Willie shook his head and sighed.

“Well, at least the wall’s paid fre noo . Forst , Humpty Dumpty sat on it an had a fall, then Storm Gertie made it fall in.” Donnelly said.

At that several eyes silently met each other around the table, almost as if they didn’t believe Gertie was responsible.

“Yes, go on, laugh if you must. But it was not as easy as you might think to remember whether I owned the wall, whether I didn’t own the wall, whether I owned the wall with the wife, whether the city owned the wall, or me or my da or-“ Willie stammered

“Aye,” interrupted Barney, who was back with drinks, plonking a steaming tankard of something or other in front of Angus.

“Some of’ us drink tae ferget; but Wee Willie, you dinna need ony help at aa, div ye? How’s the amnesia? Cleared up noo?”

A few at the table laughed; Willie blushed.

“Dinna worry yersel aboot it Willie; that’s aa fergotten”.

“Handy though that ye didnae hae to pay 200,000 pieces o’ gold tae get it fixed. But this ither business needs tae blaw ower, then ye can come back in aboot the body o’ the kirk.”

“What has to blow over, Barney?” asked Willie,

“You mean when I told the peasants we had to build Marischal Square Castle or that they would have to pay a billion pieces of eight in penalty?”

“Nah, nae thon” said Barney.

Ye mean that I’m in the Labour party but support the Tories?” asked Willie.

“Nah, ‘at’s nithin; hisna stopped the rest o’ us.”

The table laughed.

“You mean when I didn’t know who owned that wall but I gave verbal permission for the repairs, that I sent and got emails aboot it using my council email and held meetings in my council office aboot it?

“Maybe you mean when I accidentally leaked some information about yon Marischal Sq? Or-”

“No Willie – Abody likes to mix a wee bit o’ business wi’ council business” said Barney

“Ah mean this fortune cookie Covid-19 racist cairry on. We hae tae hing fire til ‘at aa blaws ower. Ahm thinkin we’ll get oor pals at Inspired tae dae some’hin in the Storybook Glen Press. Gie fowk some’hin else tae spik aboot. Mibbee some good news aboot the ‘Inspired indoor Christmas fayre’.

“We’ll hae thoosans o’ fowk come in aboot tae shop – and they’ll be gled we stopped them gan intae aa the wee shoppies. Some’hin’ lik ‘at. But dinna worry Wee Willie; anither wikk or twa, and it’ll be aa business as usual again.”

Everyone at the table chatted to each other, growing increasingly drunk. Angus, who was feeling somewhat left out of the conversation, decided he really wanted to do the rest of his security guard rounds – and to get some fresh air out of the stifling, noisy, crowded tent.

After he finished whatever was in his tankard that is. Soon he was ready to go, but feeling somewhat worse for wear.

“Barney, ladies an gents; I really must go do my rounds” Angus said.

“Maybe I’ll be back here though before closing time.”

“Cinderella will arrive around 11pm; myek sure yee are heor fre tha – she’s got summat ta celebrate – we’ve won awards – and that’s why so many of weh are oot the neet – though Ahm not heor in me official capacity, yee knaa” said Donnelly, and the table laughed.

Angus got up, wove his way out of the crowd, and found himself in the night air once more. He had another hit of Penguin. Somewhere an owl hooted.

* * * *

Angus felt dazed; ‘Well, at least things can’t get any stranger’ he prematurely told himself as he wandered down a further path.

He heard a whirring noise, and stumbling towards it, found himself face to face with an imp hard at work on a spinning wheel. On the creature’s left was a huge pile of sh*te and straw which he placed on the spinning wheel; on the right was a tiny pile of gold, falling from the wheel. There was also a giant pile of books.

“I’ll bet ye canna guess ma name!” The creature said in a smug, satisfied conceited manner.

“Err, yer Damian Bates, disgraced news editor who used his job to further his wife’s business aspirations.”

“”$!”%!!! ye little sh*te” said the outraged creature,

“I’ve rebranded! I’m Trumplestiltskin!” said the thing angrily, spinning harder than ever.

Angus picked up a book; the cover read ‘Shirk in Scotland: Thon Real Deal, Ken’; over it was a sticker saying ‘SALE NOW ON: ONLY 1 GROAT OR 2 EGGS’

“Ah’m a Spin Doctor! If aince on a blue moon Shirk says or daes some’hin’ that could be taen the wrang wye, it’s ma job tae spin his sh*te intae gold.

“Like, fan Shirk cages immigrant bairns -he micht be cooking them fer aa I ken- I spin for him an’ tell fowk that nasty trolls fae abroad are tryin tae sneak intae Storybook Glen.

“Hiv ye nae read any o’ the stories I wrote aboot fit a topper o’ a boy Shirk is? Did ye nae hear aboot thon time he rearranged some o’ his paintins in Turnberry Glen Castle? Amazin! Fit a guy!

“Anither time, he tellt me personally – he likes eatin ornery grub like hamberders and cofvefee! Can ye believe Ah got these amazing insights! I really ken the loon! He’s ane o’ wer ain, ken?

“Ah’m ees best pal! Lik Brithers! He took me tae farawa lands in a flying machine aince.

“Ah hae a Ferrari. Ye needin a copy o’ ma book? It’s chock-a-block wi smashin stories lik thon. A could gie ye a signed copy fer jist one egg if –“

“Wait a minute” Angus interrupted “Just who is this Shirk guy?”

The imp was astonished and stopped his monologue. Jaw dropping, he said:

“Well if ye dinna ken, jis follae the path on the richt. Tak a far richt turn, an’ hud gan as far tae the richt as ye can. Ye’ll find Shirk. He’s wi ma bonny wife richt noo – She’s ca’d ‘Fee-earner’. Just tell them Ah sint ye!

“Then I ken ye’ll be back ta buy ma book!”

Angus, feeling a desire to be away from the imp, made his excuses and headed away down the right-leading path, taking one further swig of Penguin from the now half-full bottle.

After a time, Angus saw a clearing up ahead on the extreme right. As he got closer, he heard bellowing- then a golf ball whizzed past his ears.


Angus reached the clearing.

An enormous ogre stood in a golf swing pose.

Its skin was bright orange with bright pink lips on a misshapen mouth.

White circles were around its beady black eyes.

It was as wide in the stomach as it was tall.

Before Angus could recover himself, an ear-splitting shriek went out, and an ogress grabbed Angus by the arm.

“EEEEK! FA ARE YOU?” the ogress shouted.


She had brown hair teased up into a ridiculous do, wore impossibly high heels, which kept sinking into the grass, and from her shoulder hung a banner which read ‘FACE OF THE GLEN – 2010.’

Angus found himself dragged in front of the Ogre, who wore a red baseball hat with the initials MSGGA.

“Look fit ah’ve foon, Shirk” she said to the golfing ogre.


“Er, my name is Angus, and some guy named Trumplestiltskin told me I should come and say hello.”


“Aye, too richt boss”, crooned the ogress, pointing to her oversized feet spilling out of her high-heels,

“Thon ‘Jimmy Choomaker and the Elves shoes’ dinna come cheap.”

Angus’ curiosity got the better of him, and taking a swig from the bottle in his tightly-clutched paper bag asked:

“Why de they call ye ‘Shirk’?”

“BEATS ME!” Bellowed the ogre, lining up another golfball



Angus felt a strong desire to get away, but what to his wondering eyes did appear but Santa Claus, a team of reindeer pulling his flying sled, which landed on the edges of the clearing.

Santa was not what Angus expected: he was tall and thin, and looked a bit like Sir Ian. Santa approached.

“Shirk, wonderful to see you again, and you too Fee-earner. I’ve got a few presents for you,” Santa said, pulling some brown envelopes out of his sack.

“Ah, just look at all these trees, glens and glades.” Santa smiled, waving his hand towards the trees and a sand bank.

“Isn’t it a pity” said Santa slowly,

“that the Sandman no longer has environmental protection on his sand dunes? Who could have seen that coming?”

Fee-earner laughed.

“Between that ‘unfortunate’ loss of protection, my connections and your, errr, obvious charisma, this will all be Stewart Milne homes before you can say ‘Jack Swinney be Nimble’.”


“Yes, well. I wanted to-” but before Santa could finish his thought, shots rang out from several directions.

Donner and Blitzen fell over dead in their tracks. Dasher was wounded. Angus took a big sip.

“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!” said a little donkey clutching an AK47, “Daddy I killed them! I’m a hunter daddy, a big scary macho hunter!”


“I got one! Kill! I got one! A Tree for every citizen! Kill!” Another hunter emerged from the glen. She was a tiny little witch with a pointed hat.

“Damn those deer! They eat plants! Kill! Kill!”


Shirk dismissed the pair who wandered off together. Soon other shots rang out as the pair disappeared into the trees.

“Don’t worry about those deer” said Santa coldly,

“No one is irreplaceable. I’ll just be off now though, plenty of ‘gifts’ to be delivered at the Awards Ceremony, not least to the people behind the Storybook Glen incinerator and the Storybook Glen harbour expansion. Shouldn’t we all be heading there now?”

And as everyone always obeys Santa, off they headed back to the beer tent. Angus had some Penguin.

* * * *

Shirk, Fee-earner and Santa all headed back down the path towards the beer tent. Angus followed behind.

“PSST!” Angus heard a voice,

“Come here fer a second”

Angus found himself face to face with three fish. What three 2-metre-long fish were doing in this place he had no idea.

“Ye must be the new security guard” said the first fish.

“Ok, I’ll bite – who are you?” Angus asked.

“We’re the three fish. Naebody kens ower muckle aboot us, tho there’s mony a tail, maistly codswallop, but on a scale of 1 to 10 we dinna gie a dab” said the first fish, floating above the ground.

“Ye see we’re actually the legendary Black Fish. Ye ken? – fish that were caught and landit, but nivver declared tae the Storybook Glen tax mannie. A big ‘net profit’ ye micht surmise. There wis heaps o’ gold in that back in the day.”

“Still is” said the second fish.

“T’wis the Crookit Man fa steert thon up, Ah’m tellin ye.” said the third fish, which inexplicably wore a bowler hat.

“Them fa land black fish ayewis say it’s by accident – but we ken it’s daen on porpoise.”

Angus, who found himself transported from Universal Credit minimum wage security guard to grown man talking to three giant hat-wearing talking fish who was about to catch up with ogres and Santa, found himself finally lost for words. He had another swig from his bottle.

“Ye ken the story” said the first fish: “There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile? That guy. Affa fishy indeed.”

“Need tae watch thon crooked mannie lik a hake” said the second fish “He’ll come bearing gifts an’ acting like yer best pal. Ye’ll fa’ for him hook, line an’ sinker if ye dinna look oot.”

“Aye,” said the second fish, “he stitched ma mate up like a kipper.”

“What’s your names?” asked Angus.

“Ah’m Gil” said the first fish.

“And this is Finn, an’ Ray.”

“Well, thanks for the warning and all, but I think I need to go get a drink.”

“Sorry we canna jine ye.”said Finn.

“Gil drinks like a fish, an we’ve aa been barred. Thinks he’s the life and sole o’ the party.”

“Always legless” said Ray,

“And Ah dinna like pubs; Ah aye feel oot o’ plaice – lik a fish oot o water.”

Angus, who feared he had a haddock coming on, had had enough.

“Bye then chaps; I’d best get my skates on. Bigger fish to fry. Sea you later.”

“Whale meet again!” chimed the three fish.

And off Angus hurried to catch up with Shirk and his party, taking a quick sip from his bottle on the way.

* * * *

The Seven Incorporated Dwarves tent was heaving. A space had been cleared in the middle of the tent when Angus arrived. His friend Barney sidled up to him and thrust a further tankard of drink into his hands.

“Been haein a fun wi Shirk an’ Suntie Claas Ah hear” smiled Barney, who was now clutching a brown envelope.

In fact Santa was working the room, handing out brown envelopes large and small. Just then, to Angus’ astonishment, Santa pulled off his beard, which had been a disguise, and his Santa hat. He put on a tall, black hat, which was crooked.

“The crooked man” muttered Angus to himself.

“What wez tha, Angus?” asked Donnelly Wonnelly tucking something into his suit jacket pocket.

“Er nothing. I-“

But Donnelly wasn’t listening and a sudden blast of trumpets made even the drunken revellers hush.

“Ladies, Gentlemen an’ Cooncillors” Barney addressed the room; he was now in a spotlight talking on a mic.

“Here she comes noo; the fairest in aa the land: Give it up fer SNOOOOW WHITE!”

A hush fell over the room as Snow White glided to the centre of the room.

‘She looks just like Melania Trump’ Angus thought, although he didn’t recognise her at first with so much clothes on.

“Ladeees and Gentlemen. I am Snow White. Whiter than White. White Power. Obama he had never been born – no birth certificate. My husband Shirk is going to make Storybook Glen Great again! Be best!”

Huge cheers rang out in the tent. She continued, but it was clear she was a bit tipsy. Suddenly as Shirk tried to take her hand, her mood changed abruptly.

“I really don’t care do you? F Christmas! Who gives a F about Christmas! I-“ Snow White growled, as she was suddenly being dragged away by footmen.

“I have more to say! I am brilliant like Shirk! I have Epstein Visa!” she bellowed as they took her away.

Barney swiftly recovered the event.

“OK, Movin richt along noo, here she is: oor ain Cinderella, an’ AWARD-WINNING COUNCILLOR OF THE YEAR! Welcome Jeanny Ling!”

The crowd shouted wildly and applauded as a pumpkin coach drawn by six hydrogen-powered cars pulled up next to Barney, who helped the beautiful award-winning Cinderella out.

“Well, this is the best thing that has ever, ever happened!”

“I WON! I won an award as best councillor!”

The crowds chanted ‘Jea-nny! Jea-nny! Jea-nny!’ as she held the shining golden trophy aloft.

“Ah micht nae be Labour richt noo, but Ah’m an AWARD WINNER!” Jeanny told her admirers,

“Aye, thon prestigious, fee-charging, private thinktank, the LGIU decidit to mak me – ME! The top cooncillor!”

Barney handed her a bouquet of flowers; Angus thought he saw a bulging brown envelope inside of it.

“Tae show oor gratitude, Ahm hopin ma fella Storybook Glen cooncillors will be a-signing up fer some o’ the LGIU’s braw workshops – there’s a bargain course ‘how to deal with difficult people’ for jist 540 pieces o’ eight. Some o’ ye micht need ‘at if yev hid ony doins wi Donnelly Wonnelly or Wee Willie!”

The crowd guffawed except Wee Willie, who was busy live-tweeting the event, pretending not to notice the slight.

Angus started to have his doubts about the integrity of his new-found pals.

Jeanny continued:

“Ah hope ye’ve aa got yer memberships; maybe cometime ye’ll win an AWARD as weel – jis think foo happy the peasants will feel aboot ‘at – or think they feel, Ah should say. Costs Storybook Toon Cooncil next tae ni’hin for the annual membership fees – but we canna tell ye foo muckle.”

“And this prestigious LGIU award is sponsored by CCLA. And fit’s the CCLA?” Jeanny trilled,

“A charitable investment fund! AND..” she waited for cheers to die down.

“Last year CCLA had a turnower o’ 33 million gold coins!”

The applause was thunderous; streamers and balloons fell from the sky. Brown envelopes were flying like confetti. The Crooked Man had left the Santa suit he’d been wearing across a table; he was now talking to a few men in suits.

Angus felt a touch on his arm. It was the witch from the table at the doorway.

“Here dearie,” she crooned,

“Ye look a wee bit peaky. I’ve something tae mak ye feel better.”

“Is it a magic potion?” Angus asked.

“Well, dearie in a wye it is” and she pressed a small but thick brown envelope into his hand.

“Time ye wis back doon tae yer guardhoose.”

She snapped her fingers.

* * * *


With a jolt Angus was awake. The sun was coming up.

Next to him on the desk was the now-empty dish of home-made mushroom pate and the empty wine bottle. There was still a slug of Penguin left.

“You wakkint?”

The old man who’d helped him last night was knocking on the window of the guard hut; his face was beaming.

“Ony bother last nicht?”

Angus took a few moments to recover his senses.

“Err, all fine last night, nothing to report.”

“Smashin,” said the man with a twinkle in his eye.

“Morn’s nicht again then, Aye?”

“Err.. sure” said Angus, gathering his things.

“Mind if I take the rest of this Penguin with me? I’ll bring you some ‘Sink the Bismarck’ tomorrow.”

“Ach, ‘at would be affa good o’ ye”. said the man patting Angus on the shoulder.

“Ah think me an’ you’s gan tae get on jist rare.”

Angus turned to leave and was walking away when the old man caught his arm.

“Ye fergot this, pal.” said the old man, and he thrust a brown envelope at Angus, who swiftly put it in his inside pocket.

Angus took a further swig from the bottle, patted the envelope through his jacket and headed to find the bus back home. Somewhere a sleepy owl hooted.

* * * *

From Aberdeen Voice, Old Susannah, and the fictitious, unrelated to any plaice, place, person or persons, Storybook Glen and its fake inhabitants – MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY 2021, and Good Health! Wear a mask.

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Chapter 1: Bakugan the battle begins!

(Play Bakugan battle Brawlers opening theme remixed with Godzilla orchestra theme)

'What are you gonna do?

(Dan and Shirō stand across from each other in a battlefield, gate cards in their hands.)

The odds are stacked against you

(The two look at each other as they yell and throw down their cards and Bakugan orbs.)

Back against the wall. Gotta give it your all (Ah ah ah ah ah ahhhhh)

(The bakugan spheres as Drago emerged and roared before the king of monsters himself, Godzilla rose and bellowed as the dimension shook under his power.)

This is the final stand (Ah ah ah ah ahhhh)

(There's an image of several Bakugan, a reaper, robotallion, and siege, as well as several Kaiju, Mothra, Rodan, Ghidorah, And so many others.)

The powers in your hand

(Darkness flowed as Masquerade and a boy with a mask on his right eyes rose as both bared dark grins)

Two worlds Collide, on the inside

(A battle scene between Drago, teamed with Tigrerra and Godzilla plays out as they charge on two gate cards.)

You gotta fight for what's right

(Godzilla faces Space Godzilla, Destroyah and a skeletal humanoid monster as he bellows while his body exploded red.)

Before it's gone, gone, gone

(Shiro and dan yell as they raise their ability cards in their hands and slam them down on the ground.)

This is Bakugan!

(The title appears as a Godzilla roar shakes the title until the scene goes black)

(In an unknown hyperspace.)

A vast void surrounded a large purple sphere of lightning which had large white dragon inside it, flapping its wings as it roared, floating in front of the orb, a green skinned and purple haired man stood in front of it as a purple orb the size of a bowling ball in his hand.

'Finally, the silent orb is complete.' The man spoke proudly with evil in his tone. 'Now all Bakugan, will bow to me! Hahaha!'

(Meanwhile on Monster Island in another alternate universe.)

Monster Island, a sacred, yet dangerous place. Humans are known to keep distance form this island, for there lived large monsters the people of japan called Kaiju. They come in different shapes and sizes, developing powerful abilities far beyond their own imagination. However, one in particular, rules them all, and has been for over 60 years.

The beast stood 60 meters tall, weight 90,000 tons and bared the form of a lizard on two legs, it had dark coal scales and spines on its back. This incredible monster was named Godzilla, the King of the monsters, one of the oldest and legendary Kaiju to ever exist.

The mighty beast was sleeping in his cave before a sound woke him up. He growled slightly as he stood. 'What is making that racket?' he growled in the Kaiju language. He stepped out from his cave and was surprised to see his son, godzilla Jr, who happens to be the prince of the kaiju race. The young kaiju was developing in his teenage year, now eager to become as strong as his father.

The spines developing on his back glowed slightly blue before he fired a smaller version of his fathers most powerful move, the atomic breath, which was made of pure radiating energy. The blue beam blasted through the trees and hit a nearby boulder as it blasted into a hundreds of pieces.

The teenage Kaiju turned to his dad. 'Like that pops? It's called the Atomic Slingshot.'

The older kaiju chuckled and patted his head. 'Impressive son, but you have a long way to go before you reach my level of power. Though it only felt like yesterday when you were just a hatchling.'

'Dad…' The creature groaned.

Just then a rumble was heard from the distance and several Kaiju started stampeding away from something.

'What's going on dad?' Junior asked.

'No idea, let me ask your half brother. RODAN!' He called. A large pterodactyl kaiju flew to the two, he is Rodan, the fastest flier on the island, and one of godzilla's few oldest allies. 'What is happening?'

'There's some kind of portal opening, it's ripping the far end of the island up from underground.' Rodan answered. 'It definitely ain't human made that's for damn sure!'

Godzilla and Junior were now curious as they started heading for the source. 'Make sure the other kaiju are at a safe distance. My son and I will check this out.'

'Yes sir!' The pteranodon said as he flew off.

The two walked to the source and saw that there were two portals, one in the sky and one on the ground, at the very moment, Mothra and her fairy companions were being dragged into the one in the sky along with battra.

'Mothra! Battra!' Godzilla roared as he lashed his tail and managed to snag both the female moths.

'Thank you gojira.' They said. The winds picked up even stronger as they heard a roar in the sky. Looking, in the far distance was a large purple orb, containing a white dragon within.

'What in the name of…?' Godzilla gasped as the orb shot his tail and the two bug Kaiju were sent into the portal. 'NO!' he tried to reach them, but they vanished.

'AH! Father!' he heard Junior as he saw him being lifted and heading for the portal as well.

'Junior!' The king roared as he chased after him, Only to be caught in the portals wake, along with all his other fellow Kaiju. When they were gone, the portals vanished and left no trace of them anywhere.

(Meanwhile in the doom dimension)

The Doom Dimension, a dark and cruel world where creatures called bakugan were lost, no hope or light anywhere. The bakugan trapped here became nothing but cold statues of rock. Corpses in a dark dusty grave.

Suddenly a red orb of light appeared from a turtle corps, then a green one, then a blue one, purple, orange, all different colors appeared from the corpses as they all collected into a large orb the size of a moon appeared, then it exploded, revealing the silhouette of a humanoid dragon as it roared and flew off into another portal.

(Meanwhile on another earth in an alternate universe.)

In a park near a fountain, two boys were ganging up on another kid who thought their skills sucked.

'No way! I wasn't making fun of you guys!' The boy defended.

'Admit it punk you were making fun of the way I Battle, right Akira?' A rather large boy said.

'That's what I heard.' A young kid in a hat with a bucked tooth agreed. 'What's your problem kid?'

Looking at the boy closer he was shorter than the big kid, he had an average build for a kid of seventeen, as well as green hair with red tips, green eyes, fair skin, and apparently he had oddly long canines. His attire consisted of a green short jacket, a red tank top, and a set of green pants with red patches on the knees, he also wore red sneakers, green glasses, and red fingerless gloves that reached his forearm, as well as a custom Godzilla bakupod watch.

'Nothing, I just like bakugan.' the boy explained with a frown.

'Well, so do I.' The large boy grinned, pounding a fist to his palm. 'And now, I'm gonna show you how it's played.'

The boy wanted to laugh and insult them, but decided to toy with them a second. 'But...I'm new at Bakugan, I don't even know all the rules yet.' Of course this was a ball face lie, it was a luring tactic he liked to use.

'Well, you're about to learn, the hard way.' The big boy smirked with his arms crossed.

'Teach him a lesson Shunji.' Akira cheered on with a fist pump.

'Back off Shunji!' A new voice yelled from behind them.

They turned and saw it was a kid about their age, he had a dragonoid on his left shoulder. His hair was brown while wore a yellow tank top and a red jacket with red pants and blue shoes and blue fingerless gloves.

'Wha!? Dan!? This is none of your Business! Get lost!' Shunji shouted.

The boy flicked his thumb across his nose as the green haired boy looked at him in surprise. 'Holy shit! Dan from the Bakugan Brawlers? You're all over the 'net!'

'Glad that we have some fans.' Dan chuckled. 'So, you want some help taking this guy down?'

'Are you Serious?! That would be awesome!' This time he wasn't lying.

'No problem, I'll show you some of my old tricks. And if you're lucky, I won't even charge ya. Heh heh.' Dan chuckled as the four pulled out their cards.

'Bakugan! Field Open!' They yelled as their cards glowed. Everything around them changed as they appeared in some kind of alternative dimension.

'Now, since you're pretty new, I'll give you the basic 101 lessons. In order to win at bakugan, you need to eliminate the opponents bakugan before they do to you.' Dan instructed.

The boy closed his eyes, then opened them as they were now a red color with slit pupils. Cracking his knuckles he grinned. 'Stow it, I already know all that. The novice routine I pulled was just a rouse, a luring tactic I use.'

'Huh, interesting.' Dan grinned. 'Well, why don't you show me what you got then.'

'Sure. And BTW, the name is Shirō!' He yelled as he pulled out a card. 'Gate card set!'

'Gate card set!' Shunji called as their cards flung to the field and grew in size.

'Here we go! Bakugan Brawl!' Shiro roared as he threw one of his bakugan to his card. 'Bakugan Stand! Rise Pyrus Juggernoid!'

The bakugan emeraged and roared.

'Battle Begins. Pyrus Juggernoid enters battle at 170Gs. No other data available.' The bakupods buzzed.

'You're toast! Bakugan Brawl!' Shunji yelled as a brown orb rolled up. 'Bakugan Stand!'

A large burst of orange light appeared as a mantis of some kind emerged.

'Subterra Mantris enters battle at 320Gs.' The machine buzzed.

Shiro smirked. 'I was hoping you'd crawl into my trap! Gate card Open! G-power Swap!' the card glowed and revealed as the energies of the bakugan were swapping. 'As the name states, G-power swap can switch the G-power of the bakugan who stands on this card!'

'G-Power swapped. Mantis now at 170Gs. Juggernoid at 320Gs.' The bakupods spoke.

'Oh ho no!' Shunji gasped.

'Get him Juggernoid!' the boy roared as his bakugan lunged and bashed against the bug as it surged back to sphere form and rolled to Shunji's feet.

The burly boy growled as he threw another ball. 'Bakugan brawl!' The ball rolled on his card as a giant brown crab appeared. 'Bakugan stand!'

'Terror Claw enters battle at 280Gs.' The machine explained.

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'Hmmm…' Shirō hummed. 'Okay, Fear Ripper you're up! Bakugan brawl!' he threw his next one out as the reaper bakugan emeraged.

'Pyrus Fear Ripper at 340Gs.' The bakupod buzzed.

'Ha! I'm ready for that! Gate card open! Character Card!' Shunji laughed as his Terror Claws' power level doubled.

'Subterra Terrorclaw power increase to 560 Gs.' Shirō's bakupod buzzed.

'Oh no your Terrorclaw's power level is over five hundred, whatever shall I do?' The boy asked in a mock scared voice before sneering. 'Yeah right, ability card activate! Tear Away!'

Fear Ripper claws suddenly sparked with red and yellow fire as it lunged at Terrorclaw and jumped on its head, digging its claws into the crustaceans skull and draining its G-power.

'Terrorclaw sudden power decrease to 280 Gs, Frearripper power level increase to 620 Gs.' Both Bakupods buzzed.

'Tear away is an ability card that only Fear Ripper can use, it forcibly cuts the opposing Bakugan's power level in half while adding it to his own.' Shiro grinned, dragging his finger across his throat. 'Okay Fear Ripper, annihilate that overgrown crustacean!'

The bakugan agreed before it swung its massive claws at Terrorclaw. The hit was successful as the insect screeched and returned to its ball, landing near Shunji's feet.

'Grrrrr!' Shunji growled angrily.

'What's wrong shunji-baka? Bakugan got your tongue?' Shiro mocked with a toothy grin. 'Or are you all bark, and no bite?'

Dan looked at the boy in surprise, this kid had a serious attitude change, not to mention a huge ego. 'Don't you think how he changed gears seems a little odd Drago?'

'Yes, I feel that.' His partner replied. 'But there's something different that I'm sensing from him. As if there's a source of incredible energy flowing in his body. It's not from Vestroia though.'

'Then where does it come from?' Dan asked again.

'I don't know, what I do know is that when Shiro brawls, that energy awakens and will stop at nothing to win.' The pyrus dragon replied.

'Then this guy could be our ticket to beating masquerade.' The brown haired boy said.

'We shall see.' Drago nodded as they watched the finale of the battle.

'Gate Card set!' Shiro called as he tossed his final card down. 'Bakugan Brawl! Bakugan Stand! Rise Pyrus Laserman!' A robotic bakugan emerged as it readied its guns for battle.

'Pyrus Laserman enters battle at 340 Gs.' The bakupod spoke.

'Ha! Your tin can is going down! Bakugan Brawl!' Shunji laughed throwing his Bakugan. 'Bakugan stand!'

A giant humanoid dinosaur appeared, it was a Subterra Saurus!

'Subterra Saurus at 340Gs.' The machine hummed.

'Let's end this now! Gate Card Open! Character card!' Shiro called as the card opened up.

'Laserman at 680 Gs.' Bakupod spoke.

'And to make sure this truly ends! Ability Card activate! Laser Impact!' The green haired boy tossed the ability card he had as Laserman's cannons fired around the field. 'This ability card will make sure you can't activate ability cards for this battle!'

Shunji stuttered several times before his Saurus was sent flying towards him before it turned back in a ball and landed on his head, all the while the large boy was cowering in Terror.

Shirō caught his Bakugan and tossed it in the air, catching it. 'That's my skills talking!'

'Game set and match. Winner, Shiro. 380 baku points awarded.' The bakupod buzzed as they returned to the human world.

Akira looked at his brother who was kneeling. 'How, how did you beat my brother?!'

The boy looked up and growled at Shiro as he stood up. 'Don't think this is over kid! Just wait till the tournament! You'll be sorry!' The brothers ran off. 'And he didn't beat me Akira. I...I let him win.'

Shirō scoffed. 'Like I'd battle with a bunch of B-list wannabes.'

Dan approached as he gave the boy a small punch to the chest. 'Nice work out there. You totally shredded it. If you're this good, you should totally enter the tournament Shunji was talking about. It takes place at the bakugan dome in a few days.'

'Alright, But before that, I need a worthy partner, ya know...a talking Bakugan, like Drago.' The boy said, his eyes slowly becoming green again and his demeanor changing to a kinder persona.

'Yeah, I see what you mean. It's important to have a bakugan you can bond and trust with.' The leading brawler replied with a nod.

'Well, I'll see you later dan, maybe I'll catch you online sometime?' Shirō asked.

'Totally, and maybe you and I should brawl, if possible, you might be one of us one day.' Dan grinned.

'Totally.' The boy smiled. 'Oh and here.' He handed dan a slip of paper. 'You ever in town, go ahead and stop by. It also has my YouTube page, I think you'll like what's on there, so far I have over fifty thousand subscribers.'

'Thanks Shiro. Catch ya later.' Dan waved as he walked off.

(Later that day, in the park again.)

Shiro walked around the park area as he thought over about Dan's offer. Growing up as a bakugan rookie, he tended to always have a goal to become a brawler with Dan and his friends. After all, they were the ones who created the game in the first place.

The boy sighed as he walked down the stairs. 'I'll be a brawler, some day.' Just then there was a bright light, causing him to flinch. 'Hey what's going on? Whoa!'

The light shined brighter as Shiro shielded his eyes. Once it died down, he noticed four bakugan spheres rolling to his feet. Two were dark coal colored, the third orange and white, and the fourth was black, purple and dark brick red.

'Bakugan? Whoa I've never seen these before.' He said as he picked them up.

'Mosura! Mosura!' He heard two voices sing in unison.

'Huh?' Shiro looked around, but saw no one. 'Who said that?'

'We did.' Two voices said from his shoulders.

The boy turned to his right and grew a bit startled as he saw two small, yet beautiful ladies wearing japanese like robes. 'Whoa!'

The Two stood up and floated in front of him, bowing politely. 'Konichiwa, we are the earth cosmos, guardians of infant island and priestesses and friends of Mothra.'

'Mothra?' Shiro blinked as he looked at the bakugan in his hand. 'Is mothra one of these?'

The orange ball opened in the form of a moth like butterfly. 'I am.' She said in a motherly voice.

'Whoa, you can talk too.' Shiro breathed in awe. 'Whoa, Wait hold it, you guys wouldn't be the same fairies from the Godzilla movies would you?'

The priestesses and moth looked among each other before turning back to Shrio. 'There's a movie about us?' The two girls asked.

The boy was dumbfounded, then looked at the other three balls. 'Then that must mean…' he said as they too opened up.

'Where are we?' The first reptile like bakugan asked with a godly and strong male tone.

Shiro gulped a second, he was actually holding the king of monsters in his hand! 'Uh...planet earth?'

'So we're not on Monster Island anymore?' Battra asked as her head dipped.

'Afraid Not. In fact, I think you guys are actually in a different universe too.' Shiro explained. 'Because, well...on this earth you guys are popular monsters in a set of movies, particularly popular here in Japan.'

'We're...popular?' The second reptile asked, who was Godzilla Jr. 'So humans here don't fear us at all?'

'Doubt it, in fact I have at least fifty thousand subscribers that love the movies about the legendary king of monsters.' He looked at the first reptile. 'That's right I'm looking at you Gojira.'

'Hmmm…' The king of monsters pondered to this new situation in hand. 'So you humans don't technically fear me or my son…'

'Pretty much.' Shrio nodded before an idea popped. 'Hey...you guys wanna partner with me? I bet we can beat anyone.'

'If we Battle with you We'll be able to defeat the other monsters we encountered before?' Godzilla asked.

'Yeah! We'll beat 'em all!' Shiro grinned as part of the energy flowed slightly.

Godzilla felt it and grinned. 'This boy, he flows with the G-energy of us Kaiju!' He nodded. 'Very well, we'll stand by your side.'

This caused Shirō to brighten up and throw a fist out. 'Awesome! Great to meet ya..partners.' A spark of inspiration popped in him. 'I gotta tell Dan about this!' He tucked the kaiju into his shirt pocket gently as he ran off to his house.

He got home and opened the door to his house, but was suddenly greeted with his face smothered into two large orbs. 'Hey mom.' The boy smiled, recognizing the two boobs in his face.

His mother had long grass green hair that fell to her knees while the end of it was dark emerald in color. Her eyes were a deep blue sea color with plump and desiring lips begging to be kissed. She had thick black eyelashes that would batter to make any man aroused instantly. She wore a blue button up blouse and a blue skirt. She held an incredible hourglass body any women would desire with wide and sexy hips that would sway without trying to seduce a man. Legs that were thick yet slim and sexy to the core, her ass was a large bubble size and the shape of a heart. Her most noticeable part of her body was her breasts, large, plump and jiggly at an amazing J-cup size. Her button up shirt was opened slightly, allowing people to see part of her cleavage.

'Welcome home sweetie.' She smiled hugging him close.

Shiro sighed and hugged her back. 'Did hiro already leave for college?' He asked. Hiro was Shirō's older brother he had been staying with them for about two years for his pre college tests before he left, today was the day he had to leave.

'He did.' His mother nodded. 'But he told me to tell you goodbye and he'll miss you.'

'Thanks.' He smiled, separating and heading up to his room. 'Gotta remember to hide his stash of magazines from mom.' he pushed that out for right now and got onto his computer. He opened up the web and dialed Dan's number. He waited for a time being until Dan replied to his call as he opened up on screen. 'Dan!'

'Hey there Shirō! I was just checking out that YouTube page of yours, so you do everything from your own song cover videos to movie reviews and video game lore?' Dan asked him.

'Yeah, it's what I enjoy when I'm not focused on school.' Shirō chuckled. 'But there's something far bigger than that, look what I found at the park!' he pulled out the four kaiju bakugan and set them close to the camera. 'You too ladies, come on out.'

The cosmos fairies popped their heads out from his shirt pocket and climbed down to The keyboard. 'Hello.' They said happily.

Dan remained silent as he started rubbing his eyes and leaned closer to the screen. 'Uh...am I really seeing this? Are those two...really the cosmo fairies from…?'

The two girls giggled and bowed. 'Why yes, we are!'

The brown haired boy slowly turned to the bakugan near them. 'Then...those four are…' He looked at Godzilla, Jr, Mothra and Battra. His heart raced until his eyes rolled back and he fainted with a thud to the ground.

'Dan!' The green haired boy said in concern. 'You Okay?!'

Drago rolled up to the camera. 'He'll Be Fine, But I must ask, who are these cosmos fairies? And why do these four Bakugan cause such a shock for young Daniel?'

'We are the priestesses to the guardian of our world, mothra.' The two fairies explained in unison. 'Every generation when a new mothra is born, it is our duty to praise her with our spirit and guide her to the path of the true guardian of earth, as her ancestors have done for generations.'

The dragonoid nodded. 'And I assume that this orange Bakugan is Mothra?'

'Yes.' mothra nodded. 'It is a pleasure to meet you, young dragon.'

'And these are Battra, Mothra's twin. And Godzilla and Godzilla jr, the king and prince of all Kaiju respectively.' Shiro said, introducing the other three.

Dan immediately shot up and leaned at the screen. 'Get out! They're actually real!?'

'As real as death, human.' Godzilla growled.

'This is...awesome!' Dan spoke with excitement. 'Shiro you're so lucky! You actually have the most powerful kaiju bakugan in all of existence!'

'Thanks.' The boy grinned. Then a second contact appeared. It was the aquas brawler Marucho.

'Hey Marucho!' Dan spoke as he looked to where the boy was on screen.

'Hello dan, oh hi, I don't believe we've met.' The small boy said, he was around fifteen.

'I know who you are.' Shiro grinned. 'You're Marucho, the Aquas brawler of the bakugan battle brawler team, you have more brains and smarts out of the others.'

'You seem to have done your homework.' The blonde grinned.

'Been fans of you guys since the game started. And the names Shiro by the way.' Shiro greeted with a toothy grin.

'Nice to meet you.' Marucho said as a Bakugan appeared in front of the camera.

'Well howdy there stranger!' It said in an impromptu cowboy accent.

'Well howdy to you. You must be Preyas. Marucho's partner than can change attribute in battle.' The boy spoke.

'Yeah, you too.' Preyas said before he saw Mothra and Battra. 'AH! Bug alert!'

'Wanna say that again fish face?' Battra spoke as she gave an angered hiss.

Marucho grabbed his Bakugan. 'Sorry about him, he's a bit of a ham. But it is true, he's terrified of bugs.'

'Hmph, he should at least have some manners.' The dark moth scoffed as she fluttered her wings a bit.

'Marucho you won't believe who these Bakugan are! It's Godzilla and his friends!' Dan said.

The blonde blinked as he leaned closer to get a better look. He analyzed the four bakugan carefully and saw the same traits of the legendary monsters themselves. 'No way….that is them!' he gasped.

Godzilla yawned and fanned his mouth. 'Yes yes, we all know you're excited.'

'Hey do you think we can see how strong they are?' Dan asked. 'Just give me a minute to have the Brawlers here and we can open a field from where we are.'

'Sure. I'm down with a good battle.' Shiro grinned as excitement rushed in his body.

Dan called the rest of the Brawlers and they came online, even the reluse shun and Alice.

'Hey dan!' Julie, who was the coffee skinned girl with silver hair greeted with a sultry look in her eyes. 'I missed you!'

'Hey Julie.' Dan said.

'Hey dan.' Runo, a porcelain skinned and light blue haired girl, she also had green eyes. She was blushing slightly as she talked to dan, but it didn't seem noticeable.

'Hey runo.' Dan greeted as well before turning to the others. 'Great you guys are here. I want you all to meet a new friend I met at the park today. This is Shiro.'

'Hey.' The rest of the Brawlers said, their Bakugan with them.

'So what's the reason you called us Dan?' Shun asked curiously.

'Shirō's new partner Bakugan, Take a Look at them! And looked at his other two friends.' Dan told them, pointing at the Bakugan and the two fairies who waved.

The other brawlers looked closer as their eyes widened in surprise. 'Wait, are those two girls who i think they are?' Julie asked in awe.

'We are the earth cosmos. It's very nice to meet you.' The two said, bowing politely.

'Then that means…' Runo turned to the four bakugan near them. 'Are those four really…?'

'Yep.' Shiro grinned. 'Meet Mothra, Battra, Jr and the king himself, Gojira.'

'No way…' they all said, well all except Shun, who simply crossed his arms. 'So what? They're just movie characters.'

'You got a problem with us boy?' Godzilla asked with a growl.

A green Bakugan went up to the screen and stood between them. 'Remain calm! I'm sure Shun had no intention on offending you, King of Monsters.'

'Hmph.' The king grunted.

Shiro chuckled slightly. 'Anyway, Dan also called you guys here since we wants to have a brawl with me and wants you all to watch.'

'Sounds Like fun!' Julie said in glee.

'I suppose this should be interesting.' Runo smiled slightly.

'I guess watching can't hurt.' Shun agreed slightly.

'I'm all for it, it'll be good to gather data on Kaiju that have become Bakugan, since this has never been seen before.' Marucho said as well.

Alice seemed a little let down. 'But...I don't know if I'll be able to see it, I don't have a Bakugan card.'

'We can give you feedback after the brawl.' Dan mentioned as the others took their cards out.

'Okay.' The girl said.

'Hold it dan.' Shun said, pulling out his own card. 'I have a way to get her to the battle, just give me a second.'

'Take your time Shun.' Shiro nodded.

The Brawlers nodded. Shun was quickly gone for a few minutes then he reappeared on Alice's end, Alice was staying in a room at Runo's house, so he was nearby.

'Alright, looks like we're ready.' Shiro grinned as the brawler's readied their cards.

'Bakugan! Field open!' they shouted in unison as their cards glowed. Time froze as they all entered the arena, Shiro facing the brawlers and Alice.

'Alright Let's Do This dan!' Shiro yelled, jumping and throwing a gate card. 'Gate Card Set!'

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'Gate Card set!' dan yelled as their cards landed and grew in size.

Shrio grabbed Godzilla and grinned as his eyes became red and irradiated with energy. 'Ready partner?'

The Kaiju glowed red and blue. 'Better than ready.'

The boy roared and threw him at his own card. 'Bakugan Brawl! Bakugan Stand! Come on out, Pyrus-Aquos Gojira!'

The lights shined as the king himself rose up in his large form. He threw his arms out with his head up at the sky as he roared, shaking the dimension itself.

'Whoa!' Everyone gasped as they tried to stay up.

'New Bakugan Recognized. Pyrus-Aquos Gojira at 450 Gs. No other data available.' The bakupods buzzed, before the screen went staticy for a second.


'I've never seen a bakugan that strong!' Dan gasped in awe.

Shiro roared as he glowed in red and blue flames that matched Godzilla, then the Kaiju's power level started to sky rocket!

'Power level increasing. Gojira now at 680 Gs.' The baku pods buzzed.

'What the hell?!' Everyone gasped.

'How did Gojira's power skyrocket like that!?' Dan asked in shock.

Drago turned to Shiro as the flames danced around him. 'It must be that energy within him. I can sense it on Gojira as well. The two seem to have connected and their power merged as one, allowing Gojira to increase his power.'

'That's, incredible.' The boy said.

'What are you waiting for Dan? Backing down already?' Shiro taunted with a grin.

'Okay What's With the attitude?' Runo asked.

'It's that energy inside him. When he brawls he becomes a different person.' Dan explained.

'Freaky…' Julie said.

'Okay Drago, Let's Do this!' Dan said as he grabbed the dragonoid. 'Bakugan brawl, Bakugan Stand! Come on Drago.'

The dragon bakugan emerged from the red light and roared in arrival.

'Pyrus Dragonoid enters battle at 340 Gs.' The baku pods buzzed.

Godzilla towered over Drago by several meters, plus the Kaiju was much older than the dragonoid so he had much more experience in battle. 'This will be over quick, little lizard.'

'I might not be as big as you Gojira, but that doesn't mean I'll go down without a fight!' drago roared as he flapped his wings.

'Ability Card activate!' Dan yelled, slamming his card forward as it sparked open.

'Boosted Dragon!' Drago roared as he fired a large fireball at the Kaiju king.

'Dragonoid power increase to 540 Gs.' The bakupod spoke.

The fireball hit godzilla in the face. He wasn't fazed as he scratched his snout. 'What? Was that supposed to hurt me, or tickle me?'

Drago snarled and charged, and slammed his horn into gojira's chest. Godzilla gave a small grunt of pain before shaking drago off as his regenerative cells healed his wound.

'Is that all you got?' the king taunted.

Roaring Drago flew up and breathed fire again, roaring more as his body started to radiate even more Pyrus energy. 'RAAAGGHHHH! Ultimate Boost!'

'Sudden power increase! Pyrus Drago G power boost increasing, still increasing, stabilizing at 689 Gs.' Everyone's bakupods said.

'Whoa! Where did he get all that power!?' Dan asked in shock.

'RAAAAAGGGH!' Drago bellowed as he slammed his tail into Gojira's face.

Gojira roared in pain and stumbled back. 'Human! Open the gate card now!'

Shiro grinned. 'Right! Gate card open! Quartet battle!' the card shined and opened as the battle took a halt for a second.

'What does that do?' Runo asked.

'You need to add another Bakugan in, as do I.' Shiro said. 'Okay Mothra, you're up!'

'At once!' She nodded and flung into the battle. Green and white light emerged as the large moth appeared with chirps.

'New bakugan Recognized. Ventus-Haos Mothra enters battle at 450 Gs. Combined power with Gojira totals at 1130 Gs.' The machines hummed.

'That's...not good.' Dan said before shaking his head. 'Bakugan Brawl! Bakugan Stand! Let's go Griffin!'

Red light filled the field until a lion like creature emerged with a snake tail and wings, as well a cow-like hooves.

'Pyrus Griffon enters battle at 280 Gs. Combined power with Drago totals to 969 Gs.' The bakupods buzzed.

'Aw snap I'm gonna get creamed!' Dan said in panic.

The two cosmos fairies looked at the boy in concern, then they had an idea. So they started to sing, to try and ease the tension of this battle. 'Mosura ya Mosura Dongan kasakuyan indo muum, Rusuto uiraandoa, hanba hanbamuyan, randa banunradan, Tounjukanraa Kasaku yaanmu, Mosura ya Mosura Dongan kasakuyan indo muu Rusuto uiraandoa, hanba hanbamuyan, randa banunradan, Tounjukanraa, Kasaku yaanmu Mosura ya Mosura Tasukete yo te yobeba Toki o koete, umi o koete, nami no yo ni Yate kuru Mamorigami, Mosura ya Mosura, Yasasishasae wasure, Arehateta hito no kokoro inorinagara utaitai

Ai no uta...Mosura ya Mosura.'

The song flooded the dimension as Dan finally became calm. 'Whoa…' he never believed their song would ease him so greatly. When he looked at the cards he had left, his eyes widened. 'That's it!'

Shiro raised his eyebrow. 'Okay time to end this. Ability card activate! Atomic Blast!'

Godzilla roared as his spines glowed blue.

'Gojira power increase of 400 Gs. Total power at 1530 Gs.' The bakupod buzzed.

'I'm not finished that easily Shiro!' Dan yelled as he rose one of the cards. 'Drago! It's time to unleash the true might of your power! Fusion Ability Card activate! Pryrus Infinity!' The card exploded as it released a fire tornado and blasted within Drago's body, releasing tensing heat all around his body with a tense fire aura.

Godzilla roared and blasted the dragonoid and the other Bakugan, causing things to blow up.

The smoke edged around the area as they all waited for the results. 'Did...Dan lose?' Julie asked in concern.

Suddenly, red fire blasted with a loud roar from Drago as he looked more determined than ever before. 'You can't defeat me that easily!'

'Oh come on!' Shiro said in frustration.

'Drago power increase! Total G Power totaled at 1530 Gs. Both sides tied.' The baku pods buzzed.

The four Bakugan charged at each other and collide, the card immediately overloaded and shattered, all four Bakugan being sent back to their Brawlers.

'Game set. Brawlers Tied. 300 Baku Points awarded to both players.' The machines spoke before they were sent back to the real world.

'Whoa, That was...crazy.' The Brawlers said.

'You're telling me.' Shiro breathed as the energy within vanished.

'Guess it was luck that I activated Pyrus Infinity, or Drago would have lost.' Dan chuckled as he held the card up.

'Yeah, though I doubt you would've done it if someone started singing.' Shirō said looking at the two fairies in his pocket.

'We're sorry.' They apologized. 'We were concerned for Young Daniel, and we wished to aid him with our voices. It's in our blood and spirit to aid anyone that is in need of help.'

The boy simply patted the two on the head and smiled. 'I know.'

'Though using Pyrus Infinity was a dangerous move.' Drago Grunted as his body was glowing red. 'If I absorbed too much of its power, I would have burned out instantly.'

'Yeah, like how you did with Masquerade for the first time huh?' Dan said.

'Exactly.' Drago nodded before turning to Godzilla. 'As for you Gojira, it was a strong fight, you have my respect as a strong Kaiju bakugan.'

'You as well, Dragonoid.' The Kaiju said.

'Hey guys, I just got threw with looking at Shirō's YouTube page, you never said you actually plan to audition for the new music contest.' Runo said. 'You know the one that's almost impossible to win.'

'I've been practicing for a long time.' Shiro grinned. 'If I can win that contest, not only will I win a grand, but also have access to some of the highest tech music equipment known.'

'So what type of stuff do you do?' Julie asked.

'Everything, But I'm particularly fond of anime openings.' The boy said.

'That's true, his newest one is the Attack on Titan opening.' Marucho said.

'I know, it's becoming one of the few most hottest animes ever this year.' Shiro chuckled. 'I don't watch it myself but I've gotten requests out the ass.'

'If it's what your fans want, shouldn't keep them hanging on the ropes.' Dan chuckled.

'Yeah...oh crap I forgot! I gotta get my Brothers secret chest out of his room!' He said, quickly running off and coming back with a medium sized box.

'What's in the box?' Alice asked curiously.

Setting it on his bed The boy seemed nervous. 'Just...my older brother's...secret stash.'

'Secret stash?' Dan questioned curiously.'What kind of secret stash?'

'Magazines, videotapes, explosives, prank gear, weapons, collectible comics, the works.' The boy said.

'Your brother must be a serious collector.' Julie said.

'Yeah...but it's the magazines that would get him in the most trouble...with our mom at least.' Shirō nodded.

'Why would he be in trouble for the magazines?' Marucho asked while adjusting his glasses.

'Well, to put it simply, They're...rather risqué.' Shiro explained.

The brawlers were silent until the girls started to blush. 'Are you saying those magazines are…?' Julie asked.

He nodded, putting his finger in front of his mouth. 'Keep it down! My mom could hear!'

'I don't want to be part of that.' Shun said. 'I gotta go, my grandpa will be wondering where I am, need to keep at it with my training.' He vanished in the smoke nearby Alice.

'Ninja wannabe.' Shiro scoffed.

'I better get going too. My parents and I are going out to lunch with some of their friends.' Marucho spoke as he logged off.

Runo, Alice, Dan, and Shiro were the only ones left. Preyas was the first to break the awkward silence. 'So what type of risqué magazines we talking about here? They high quality or cut rate?'

'Well, I barely got a glimpse of them a few times, but due to how thick and large they are, they're kinda high quality.' The green haired boy answered.

'Lucky…' The chameleon Bakugan chuckled.

'So what are you gonna do with your brothers chest?' Dan asked.

'Just keep it under my bed till he gets back. He'll be at college at least till summer break.' Shiro shrugged. 'But honestly...I'm thinking of grabbing one of these cherry bombs and blowing something up.'

'Just be careful where you blow them up, those things are dangerous.' Runo spoke up.

'Yeah Yeah. Well I'm gonna head off. Later guys.' Shiro said as he signed off.

(Meanwhile with dan and Drago.)

Dan also signed off, he sighed as he sat back. 'Shiro is pretty cool.'

Drago nodded silently. 'But those Kaiju...they had two attributes...that shouldn't be possible.'

'What do you mean?' Dan asked.

'Bakugan from Vestroia only have one element. Not even the original guardians could possess two elements at once. It's basically unheard of. While it is true, bakugan like Preyas can use different elements, he can't use two at once like they can.' Drago explained.

'I see, that is weird.' Dan nodded.

'Additionally...Shiro has an energy similar to them. But that's to be expected I suppose…' The dragon nodded.

'Glad he's on our side though, imagine if we had to face him and masquerade at once.' Dan breathed.

'Yes-' Drago nodded but felt something. '...no...it can't be…'

'What's wrong Drago?' Dan asked.

'I just felt something...familiar...extremely familiar.' His partner said.

'Like what?' Dan asked further as Drago looked out the window.

'...Daniel, you remember Waivern, Don't you?' He asked.

'Yeah, you mentioned a bit about her a few days ago.' Dan nodded.

'Yes, She And I were good friends, the closest. We were in a way, kind of like you and Runo.' Drago said. 'And...I'd be lying if i said that I hadn't fallen for her almost immediately.'

'Seriously?' Dan asked in surprise. 'You mean to tell me you had a thing for Waivern?'

'Yes...eventually took it to the 'next level' as you humans would say.' Drago explained. 'Much to Naga's chagrin, she laid a Bakuegg, how most Bakugan are born. But...it was lost when Naga took the silent core, it was absorbed into the Infinity core.'

'You have a kid? Damn Drago, never thought you would go that far with waivern.' Dan chuckled.

'I haven't seen the egg since. It'll most likely hatch soon. If I don't find it...I shudder to think what the hatchling Or hatchlings will experience.' Drago said, shuddering.

'We'll find them Drago. They're apart of the family.' Dan assured while picking up his partner.

'Thank you Daniel.' Drago smiled.

(Just outside Dan's window.)

A Bakugan Card fluttered to Dan's window and opened up, shooting out an egg about the size of a large Easter egg. The egg wobbled and jumped a few times, as if something was trying to break free from the surface.

Dan turned and saw the egg. 'What the heck is that?'

Drago turned before he gasped. 'That's it! Daniel! That's Waiverns egg!'

The egg bounced again and it split in two, two Bakugan orbs popping out, one was haos, the other Pyrus, they bounced around and rolled on the floor. When they opened up, they resembled two small dragons as they cooed and yawned.

'Wow they sure are tiny.' Dan said as he picked them up.

'Gaa gur.' The Pyrus one chirped.

'Bree Bree!' The haos One squealed.

Drago sighed in relief. 'They're finally safe. I don't know what would happen if they were found by masquerade.'

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The two young bakugan turned to drago before chirping. 'Da da!' They tackled him in a hug, nuzzling against him.

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The dragon smiled, he finally had some of his family back, he couldn't be happier.